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A leading group of Latino evangelicals has called for an end to state-sanctioned capital punishment, the first national association of evangelicals to do so.
04/02/2015 - By John Rutledge
The head of a watchdog group advocating separation of church and state insists the IRS should investigate whether Liberty University broke the law when U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz announced on campus he is running for president.
04/01/2015 - By John Rutledge
In an effort to block the state’s involvement with same-sex marriage, the Oklahoma House of Representatives passed a bill to abolish marriage licenses in the state.
03/19/2015 - By John Rutledge
When it comes to immigration reform, American evangelicals want it all, and they want it now, a LifeWay survey reveals.
03/11/2015 - By John Rutledge
The Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty filed a friend-of-the-court brief urging the U.S. Supreme Court to allow a Muslim woman to wear a religious head-covering to work.
02/26/2015 - By John Rutledge
A federal appeals court ruled accommodations in the Affordable Care Act are adequate to protect the religious freedom rights of employers who do not qualify for exemptions but who object to contraception coverage in worker insurance plans on religious grounds.
02/18/2015 - By John Rutledge
As President Obama seeks to ramp up military action against the terrorist group known as the Islamic State or ISIS, Americans remain uneasy over the place of Islam in the United States and in the world.
02/13/2015 - By John Rutledge
Religious and secular advocacy groups jointly called for greater clarity by the Internal Revenue Service regarding nonprofits and political activity.
02/06/2015 - By John Rutledge
Abortion opponents—marking the annual March for Life in Washington and anticipating legislative gains in the Republican-dominated Congress—were thrown into disarray when GOP leaders unexpectedly withdrew an anti-abortion bill they considered a done deal.
01/23/2015 - By John Rutledge
Religious liberty advocates said a U.S. Supreme Court decision Jan. 20 affirming a devout Muslim prisoner’s right to grow a beard for religious reasons is a win for the religious liberty of all Americans.
01/21/2015 - By John Rutledge
The U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to resolve the national debate over same-sex marriage once and for all.
01/20/2015 - By John Rutledge
Sunday morning remains one of the most segregated hours in American life, with more than eight in 10 congregations made up of one predominant racial group, a new LifeWay survey reveals.
01/15/2015 - By John Rutledge