The New Testament call to reach all nations, people, languages and tribes with the gospel long has united Southern Baptists. That includes reaching other nations that come to North America.
Globally, more than 114 million people forcibly are displaced. In the United States, more than 46 million people were born in other countries. In addition, more than 1 million international students currently live in the United States. And this missiological shift is increasing each year.
To assist churches in connecting with internationals nearby, the International Mission Board, North American Mission Board, Send Relief and Woman’s Missionary Union are working together to serve churches focusing on the missionary task in every community.
John Barnett, director of the diaspora mobilization team, is leading this Southern Baptist partnership. The diaspora ministries will be supported cooperatively by several partnering entities through the Diaspora Missions Collective, with representatives from SBC entities plus seminaries, state conventions and associations. Many of the ministries will be supported through gifts to the Cooperative Program.
The Diaspora Missions Collective is building a collaborative platform of videos, webinars, training tools and best practices churches and individuals can access free of charge. It also is offering regional, in-person training events and opportunities for groups to join cohorts who will unify around the purpose of sharing the good news of Jesus Christ with internationals.
“The nations are on the move,” Barnett said. “The U.S. has never been more interconnected to other people groups. Yet, we remain culturally apart.”
Barnett explained the renewed commitment to reach immigrants, international students and refugees shows a unity of Southern Baptists around the missionary task. Most Baptists are aware of the internationals moving into their communities. Many are willing to get to know them, be a part of their lives and share the gospel, but they need training and equipping.
 “We see the Diaspora Missions Collective as an opportunity to cast vision, mobilize and equip North American churches to not only engage people groups globally, but also fulfill the core missionary tasks among diaspora people groups who reside in our own neighborhoods,” Barnett said. “Our service to internationals shows our interconnectivity as Southern Baptists.”
He gave the example of an Afghani named Ibrahim who was stranded at a subway station in New York City. Barnett called a Send Relief worker in the area. That worker, who was active in refugee ministries, was just a few blocks from the station and went quickly to help Ibrahim.
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Within a few weeks, Ibrahim built relationships with Christians in the area. He received the aid he needed, and he also gained access to the gospel. Ibrahim accepted Christ as his Savior and Lord and now is meeting with other believers at a NAMB church plant in New York.
As more internationals are reached with the gospel, the hope is that more church plants will grow in North American cities, Barnett noted. IMB missionaries and alumni will provide knowledge and experience of cross-cultural evangelism and can help leverage their connections to the people groups overseas and long-term missionary presence among the nations.
“We’re just scratching the surface of how we use our relationships, geography, connections and ministries to build bridges to the gospel,” Barnett said.
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