CBF general assembly to consider $17.3 million budget



The Cooperative Baptist Fellowship general assembly will consider a $17.3 million budget proposal that reflects both words in the “Holy Ambition” theme for the gathering, the CBF governing board’s finance committee chair asserted.

“It’s holy in the sense that we understand God to be present in it, especially in the wisdom, discernment and good judgment given to our leaders, as the budget was being prepared,” Juan García said. “It’s also holy in the sense that it pursues initiatives, ministries and collaborations that will make possible for the continuation of the proclamation of the gospel of the kingdom of God, both domestically and abroad.

“It’s ambitious in its anticipation of a $750,000 increase in unrestricted income to support CBF ministries and mission and an increase of $315,000 in global missions to sustain the presence of our field personnel, to commission two new ones, and to make possible the anticipated policy changes impacting the compensation structure and housing benefits for field personnel.

“And it’s ambitious in the sense that it shows us to be in the forefront to support our ministers and congregations with the tools needed to prepare themselves for thriving ministry amid the challenging times in which we live.”

Participants at the 2023 CBF General Assembly will vote on the budget proposal at the June 28-30 meeting in Atlanta, Ga.

The projected increase for CBF ministries and mission reflects continued modest growth in contributions from congregations, as well as cautious estimates for success in fundraising strategies focused on individual donors.

The revenue total for the Offering for Global Missions reflects the actual cost of sustaining the presence of CBF’s field personnel around the world. That number has increased this year because of the commissioning of new field personnel and anticipated policy changes impacting the compensation structure and housing benefit for field personnel.

Nearly all increases in expenditures in this year’s budget are in areas funded by restricted revenue. The only increases in spending associated with unrestricted revenue are increases budgeted for health insurance, funds for compensation bonuses and fixed costs.

To access the CBF 2024 fiscal year budget proposal, click here. A budget summary document is available, as well as a detailed narrative that explains both revenue and expenditure projections.

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“I am grateful to our staff, the finance committee of our governing board and our entire board for their diligent work in preparing this budget,” CBF Executive Coordinator Paul Baxley said.

“Through this budget, our Fellowship continues to invest in the strengthening of global missions, expanding ways we join states, regions and partner organizations to respond to the needs of congregations and their leaders all the while continuing to prioritize the growth of our Fellowship. We welcome opportunities both before and during general assembly to respond to questions regarding this proposal.”

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