Canadian named interim director of BWA women’s department

FALLS CHURCH, Va.—The Baptist World Alliance named Moreen Sharp, president of the North American Baptist Women’s Union, as interim executive director of the BWA women’s department.

Sharp, a Canadian, is a vice president of the BWA women’s department. She already serves part-time as acting executive director for the department and will become full-time interim executive director in November. Her appointment lasts until July 2020.

She succeeds American Patsy Davis, who retired Dec. 31, 2015, and served 17 years as executive director of the department.

From 2008 to 2010, Sharp was president of Women in Focus, the women’s group for Baptists of Western Canada. During that time, she also was on the boards of Canadian Baptist Ministries, Canadian Baptist Women and the North American Baptist Women’s Union, one of seven continental unions of the BWA women’s department.

She is a member of the BWA general council and the commission on human rights advocacy, as well as the general council of the North American Baptist Fellowship.

“Moreen has an excellent testimony of Christian character and is recognized by the Baptist family as capable, organized, relational and visionary,” said BWA women’s department President Ksenija Magda of Croatia. “She will be a great women’s department advocate and a gracious colleague to the BWA general secretary and staff.”

She and her husband, Paul, have been ministry partners more than 30 years in several countries. They have engaged in transitional ministry, serving various congregations in Canada on a short-term basis. She has led teaching, music and drama ministries in Japan, India and Canada.

She holds a theological degree from Regent College, an international graduate school of Christian studies in Vancouver.