Around the State: Wayland installs president; legislators honor UMHB football team

Wayland Sarah Stinson 300Wayland Baptist University student Sarah Stinson helps sort, fold and hang clothes at the Salvation Army store as part of Wayland’s volunteer efforts during Degree of Difference Day. Wayland Baptist University installed Bobby Hall as the school’s 13th president Jan. 25. Wayland students and employees volunteered for community service projects during a weeklong celebration of service marking the inauguration. Extension campus employees volunteered at food banks, hosted blood drives, prepared meals at homeless shelters and collected school supplies for an elementary school, among other projects. In Plainview, nearly 90 employees and students worked on 14 volunteer projects for Degree of Difference Day. Many helped clean up the local parks, while others worked at various nonprofit organizations.

UMHB Cru Abbott 300Gov. Greg Abbott congratulates the University of Mary Hardin-Baylor Crusaders football team on their national championship.The Texas Legislature recognized the University of Mary Hardin-Baylor Crusader football team Jan. 31 as 2016 NCAA Division III national champions. Sen. Dawn Buckingham and Rep. Hugh Shine drafted a proclamation honoring the university and the team. Head Football Coach Pete Fredenburg, members of his staff and players were present in the Senate and House galleries for the recognition ceremony.

A $2.5 million gift from Bob and Laura Beauchamp of Houston enabled Baylor University to create the Beauchamp Addiction Recovery Center, located in the East Village Residential Community. The center will provide support services for students who are in the initial stages of identifying an addiction, including counseling and possible referral to off-campus rehabilitation, as well as continued support for students who have completed rehabilitation programs. It also will provide reintegration support for students who may have left school and for students who already are in recovery. 

DBU Unity Walk 250Dallas Baptist University faculty, staff, and students walk across the quad for a time of prayer and then on to the cross between the Mahler Student Center and Patty and Bo Pilgrim Chapel for a recitation of the Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech. (Photo / Brittany Bean)Dallas Baptist University joined Cornerstone Baptist Church in Dallas in serving food and water to people who attended the city’s Martin Luther King Jr. Day parade. It marked the sixth annual MLK day of service involving DBU students. Later that day, DBU students, faculty and staff gathered for the inaugural MLK Unity Walk, which included prayer for peace and a recitation of King’s “I Have a Dream” speech.

Paul Marshall 200Paul MarshallBaylor University named Paul Marshall as holder of the Jerry and Susie Wilson Chair in Religious Freedom at the Institute for Studies of Religion. Marshall also will serve as a research professor in Baylor’s political science department. He succeeds former U.S. Rep. Frank Wolf, who served two years as the inaugural Wilson chair. Marshall formerly was a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute’s Center for Religious Freedom in Washington, D.C. He is the author and editor of more than 20 books on religion and politics, particularly religious freedom. Marshall’s current research is focused primarily on understanding how Muslims and Christians are able to live and work together peacefully in Indonesia—the world’s most populous Muslim country. Marshall also is a senior fellow at the Leimena Institute, a Christian public policy think tank in Jakarta, Indonesia, and visiting professor at the graduate school of Syarif Hidayatullah Islamic University, also in Jakarta.

Karen Bullock 250Karen Bullock delivers the T.B. Maston Lecture at East Texas Baptist University. Karen Bullock, professor of Christian heritage and director of the Ph.D. program at the B.H. Carroll Theological Institute, delivered the T.B. Maston Lecture in Christian Ethics at East Texas Baptist University, Jan. 23. Bullock presented a lecture titled, “Selfless, Fearless, Relentless: The People of the Baptized Way.” The ETBU School of Christian Studies and the T.B. Maston Foundation sponsored the lecture, which honors the legacy of Maston, a trailblazing 20th century Texas Baptist Christian ethicist.

Members of Howard Payne University’s Moot Court team brought home awards from the American Moot Court Association’s National Tournament at Stetson College of Law in Gulfport, Fla. Isaac Sommers from Boerne ranked fifth overall speaker out of 786 competitors. Sommers and Rebeca Puente from Waskom placed in the top 16 of 80 teams. In a competition of written arguments submitted prior to the tournament, Bailey Myler from Brownwood and Justin Harris from Fort Worth placed sixth, and Puente and Sommers placed seventh.

Mission Waco marks its 25th anniversary with a banquet, 6 to 8:30 p.m., Feb. 28 in Chisholm Hall at the Waco Convention Center. Jimmy Dorrell, founding executive director, will speak. Proceeds from the event benefit Mission Waco/Mission World programs. For details about table sponsorships or to make reservations, call (254) 753-4900.


Bobbie Miller, 25th as associate pastor of music and worship at South Main Baptist Church in Pasadena.


Ryan Vanderland to ministry by First Baptist Church in Midland. He is pastor of First Baptist Church in Electra.