East Texas Baptist University will hold Shadow Day Feb. 13 for high school seniors and college transfer students. The event will kick off the night before, with registration and a Tiger basketball game. Participants will spend the night in a dorm, socialize with students, visit with professors at breakfast and attend classes. Preregistration is required. A $20 nonrefundable fee must be paid, but the application fee will be waived for students who apply for admission during the event. For more information or to register, click here.
Dallas Baptist University students served at Cornerstone Baptist Church in Dallas to help the church get ready for the city’s Martin Luther King Jr. parade. Students helped prepare 3,000 gift bags and water for distribution at the parade. Students also walked in the parade and distributed the water and gift bags.
Baylor University will hold its annual Going for the Gold Gala at the Hilton Anatole in Dallas Feb. 28 at 6 p.m. The event benefits the university’s Louise Herrington School of Nursing. Robert Griffin III, Washington Redskins quarterback and Baylor’s 2011 Heisman Trophy winner, will be the keynote speaker. The fund-raising goal is $1 million. To register, click here.
The annual Metroplex Literacy Conference will be held Feb. 28 at Dallas Baptist University at 8:30 a.m. Workshops will address literacy ministries such as English-as-a-Second-Language, general equivalency diploma preparation, citizenship and immigration issues, and adult basic education. The cost is $35, and registration must be made by Feb. 13. To register, click here.
David Natividad, a Howard Payne University admissions counselor, has been named to the Texas Baptist Christian Life Commission’s Hispanic Education Initiative board of directors.
Ebenezer Baptist Church in Austin, 140th, Feb. 15. The morning worship service will begin at 11 a.m., and a 3:30 p.m. service will include Pastor G.V. Clark and the Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Church as special guests. Ricky Freeman is pastor.
Troy Richardson, Jan. 15, after seven years as pastor of First Baptist Church in Warren and 38 years in ministry. A graduate of East Texas Baptist College and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, he spent his first eight years as a pastor in Utah. Since 1985, he has served Texas churches in San Augustine, Bon Weir, Woodville, Amarillo and Warren. He and his wife, Bonnie, have four children.
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First Baptist Church in Canton will hold its eighth annual Legacy of Love Feb. 20-21. The weekend retreat is for single mothers and “married singles”—women whose husbands are in the military or who travel extensively, leaving them in charge of the family. Master potter Rachel Norris is the keynote speaker, and Keron Jackson is worship leader. Breakout sessions will include positive parenting, cake decorating, budgeting, car maintenance and more. Meals throughout the event are provided. Complimentary childcare is available for children through fifth grade. Registration is $30 prior to Feb. 13 and $40 afterward. Deadline for registration is Feb. 19. For more information or to register, click here.
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