Around the State: Deaf conference

Chaplains with the  Texas State Guard’s 4th and 19th Civil Affairs Regiments, the 3rd Battalion Maritime Regiment and the 4th Air Wing sponsored an Armed Forces Day military prayer breakfast at Dallas Baptist University, May 18. Jerald Garner, minister of music at South Garland Baptist Church and a Baptist General Convention of Texas-endorsed chaplain serving in the Texas State Guard, planned the program. It included a choir and orchestra from South Garland Baptist Church and First United Methodist Church of Rowlett.


The 64th annual Texas Baptist Conference for the Deaf will be held June 14-16 at Baylor University in Waco. The theme of the conference is “God’s Abundance.” Kevin Clark is the conference pastor. He teaches about God through drama and mime. He has traveled around the world as a missionary to the deaf. Angela Zafarano is the music leader. Ryan Sims will lead youth. For registration information, click here .

Texas Baptist Men’s Yellow Cap training will be offered June 15 at Hillcrest Baptist Church in Bryan, from 9 a.m. until noon. Participants should arrive early to take pictures for their name badge. Cost is $10, payable by check or credit card only, to help defray the cost of the background check. To register, email

Elizabeth Rogers, a senior political elizabeth rogers130Elizabeth Rogersscience and European history major at Howard Payne University’s Douglas MacArthur Academy of Freedom multidisciplinary honors program, will participate in the Engalitcheff Institute on Comparative Political and Economic Systems, to be held this summer in Washington, D.C. The Hatton W. Sumners Program at HPU will cover her tuition and housing expenses for the program. Rogers will take courses and attend guest lectures and briefings. Students who complete the program are guaranteed an internship with a government agency, congressional office, policy group, political organization or law firm.

Dallas Baptist University honored Mitch Bennett, assistant to the president and director of gift accounting, for 25 years of service. An endowed scholarship was established in his name to benefit needy students. He is a deacon at First Baptist Church in McGregor.

Hardin-Simmons University presented awards during spring graduation ceremonies. Kaitlin Martin of Abilene received the Minnie L. Anderson Award in recognition of her character, personal development and service to the university. Kayla Dickerson of Early received the Julius Olsen Medal for having the highest grade-point average. Karl Wilcox of Granbury received the George Skiles Anderson Award in recognition of his character, personal development and service to the university. Jennifer Crisp of Abilene received the Hemphill Graduate Honor Award for exhibiting potential for significant contribution to their field. She is the enrichment coordinator for Abilene Christian Schools.


George Jacobus, fifth, as college minister at Central Baptist Church in College Station.

Nathan Hoke, fifth, as pastor of Bedias Baptist Church in Bedias.


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Josh Bolch, to the ministry at First Baptist Church in San Antonio. He is pastor of Shiner Baptist Church in Shiner.

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