Buckner Children and Family Services received a $20,000 grant from the Dallas Mayor’s Disaster Relief Fund to help Dallas families recover from the February winter storm and power outages. The relief fund awarded a total of $540,000 to 27 local nonprofits working in disaster relief. “So many families are still struggling to recover from the week-long storm that brought such frigid temperatures to Dallas,” said Randy Daniels, Buckner vice president of government relations and business development. “This grant will help us provide even more aid and help us shine hope to the families we serve in Dallas.” The grant will be used to provide humanitarian aid, including food and water, home repairs, and for purchasing appliances damaged due to weather.

Houston Baptist University named Philip Tallon as dean of its School of Christian Thought. Tallon joined the HBU faculty in 2014 as the chair of the department of apologetics, assistant professor of theology and instructor in the Honors College. He earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of South Florida, a Master of Arts in Theological Studies degree from Asbury Theological Seminary and a Doctor of Philosophy in Theology degree from the University of St. Andrews in the United Kingdom. He has served as interim dean of the School of Christian Thought since May 2020. Tallon brings to the dean’s role “a record of commitment to the work of the school, faithful scholarship, and wonderful rapport with students and his colleagues,” said HBU President Robert Sloan. “Not only is he an outstanding scholar and teacher, but he also is committed to the work of the church and will be a strong leader for those students who come to HBU to prepare for Christian ministry.”
Baylor University’s Truett Theological Seminary has launched the Faith & Sports Institute, a center for the comprehensive study and practice of sports and Christianity. Housed at Truett Seminary, the new institute is led by John B. White, associate professor of practical theology, and Cindy White, adjunct professor of sports chaplaincy. The institute will seek to foster the thoughtful integration of faith and sports through four primary initiatives—a graduate degree program, an online certificate program, a high school retreat and the development of research and resources. The foundation for the institute, Truett Seminary’s sports ministry graduate program, was established in 2011. Through the program, students may pursue a Master of Divinity degree or Master of Arts in Christian Ministry degree with a concentration in sports ministry.
Wayland Baptist University in Plainview is making special accommodations to hold three in-person, on-campus spring graduation ceremonies on April 24, while observing COVID-19 health and safety protocols. At 9 a.m., students from the May and December classes of 2020 will be invited to participate in the formal graduation ceremony they were unable to experience previously due to the pandemic restrictions. A 1 p.m. ceremony is scheduled for graduates from the School of Behavioral and Social Sciences and the School of Business. Graduates from all other schools at WBU will participate in a 5 p.m. ceremony. All three commencement ceremonies will be held in the Hutcherson Center. Fewer than 50 students will graduate at each ceremony, and no more than 450 guests will attend each service. Admission is free, but guests must present a ticket, and facemasks are required at all times. The venue will open to the public one hour prior to each ceremony. Guests of each student are asked to enter as a group in order to be seated at a proper distance from others, according to protocols outlined by the Centers for Disease Control. Each ceremony will last about one hour, allowing time for cleaning crews to disinfect and reset the venue between events.
Houston Baptist University received 14 “Stations of the Cross” paintings donated by alumni Kim and David Balkum, which will be displayed on campus. The mid-19th century Dutch paintings depict the Good Friday Passion of Jesus Christ. Leading up to Palm Sunday and Easter, HBU will host a special program from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. on March 25, in Belin Chapel. Guests will explore the biblical and historical significance of the stations of the cross, accompanied by special music. Attendees will be invited to participate in a guided walking tour or virtual tour of the paintings across campus.
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