Baylor University will name its basketball pavilion for Paul and Alejandra Foster of El Paso in recognition of the Fosters’ $100 million gift in 2019 to the university’s Give Light Campaign. The couple’s donation launched the public fundraising campaign for the basketball pavilion, home to Baylor’s National Championship basketball teams. Their gift, which until now was anonymous, also sparked creation of a dollar-for-dollar matching program for qualifying gifts providing faculty support to Baylor in support of Illuminate, the university’s strategic plan. Known at the time as the Baylor Academic Challenge, the program—which prompted the funding of 14 faculty endowed chairs—now will be known as the Foster Academic Challenge. “Paul and Alejandra Foster have truly been champions for Baylor University and our students, and we are excited to make this announcement so that our Baylor Family can join with us in celebrating their transformational philanthropy,” said Baylor President Linda A. Livingstone.

East Texas Baptist University uses Texas Arbor Day—the first Friday in November—as a service-learning experience each year by involving students in tree planting on campus. This year, 80 ETBU students—including a significant number of student athletes—planted four live oak trees in front of Jarrett Library.

Members of the recently formed Dallas Baptist University debate team earned a first-place sweepstakes award in Team International Public Debate in the Pejaver Memorial Forensic Tournament in Murfreesboro, Tenn. Freshman Jess Perez took the top prize among speakers, earning both the first-place speaker and best novice awards. Three DBU teams advanced into elimination rounds: Joseph Alcazar and Greyson Goebel; Madison Kitner and Perez; and Luke Castleand Harmony Miller. In Individual Public Debate competition, Josh Ballard won five of six preliminary rounds in the novice division, eventually winning third-place speaker, and Miller won first-place speaker in the junior varsity division. All seven DBU competitors in Individual Public Debate—Jascha Ely, Dayton Thomas, Justin Hamilton, Alcazar, Castle, Goebel and Miller—advanced to elimination rounds.
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