Around the State: 40th for Texas Port Ministry
The Texas Port Ministry will celebrate its 40th anniversary during the annual fund-raising banquet April 24. The event will be held at First Baptist Church in Angleton. A silent auction will begin at 6 p.m., with the dinner and program at 6:30. Tables seating eight people are available for $200 each. To make reservations, call (979) 233-5641. Bobby Fuller is director of the Texas Port Ministry.
Buckner Children and Family Services will present a free foster care and adoption information meeting March 20 at 7 p.m. at 5200 Buckner Boulevard in Dallas. Participants will receive an overview of foster care and adoption options in Texas, including foster-to-adopt, Waiting Texas Children and domestic infant adoption programs. For information or a reservation to attend, click here.
Wayland Baptist University’s art department will hold its senior exhibit April 7-May 2 in the Abraham Art Gallery.
A group of Hardin-Simmons University and Logsdon Theological Seminary students will experience the Apostle Paul’s Aegean experience with a spring-break trip to Greece. Ken Lyle, HSU professor of New Testament and Greek, will lead the group. The students also will work with Cooperative Baptist Fellowship missionaries Bob and Janice Newell, who minister to Albanians living in Athens.
Ozzie Ingram has been named director of the doctor of education in educational leadership program at Dallas Baptist University. He has served DBU 15 years in various leadership capacities. He and his wife, Ann, attend First Baptist Church in Arlington.
Leslie Hollon, fifth, as pastor of Trinity Baptist Church in San Antonio, Feb. 1.
Eugene Lewis, 10th, as pastor
of Union Baptist Church in Refugio, March 14.Joel McCoy, 10th, as pastor of First Baptist Church in Crowley, March 14.
Mark Lindsey, fifth, as pastor of First Baptist Church in Big Spring, March 29.
Henry Stovall, 20th, as pastor of Trinity Baptist Church in Bryan.
Steve Holcombe, fifth as director of missions for Creath-Brazos Baptist Association.
Jimmy Pritchard, 20th, as pastor of First Baptist Church in Forney, April 1.
First Baptist Church in Denver City, 75th, April 4-6. Activities will begin at 1 p.m. with fellowship at the church. A catered meal at the Mustang Cafeteria will begin at 5 p.m., followed by a service at 7:05 p.m. led by Ronnie and Billy Bob White. Saturday will include music and activities in the park and a golf tournament, beginning at 10 a.m. A service in the park will be held that evening with former pastor Bob Webb preaching. A 9:30 a.m. breakfast will begin Sunday festivities, followed by a worship service led by Clay Searcy. A time capsule will be opened, followed by a catered meal at the Mustang Cafeteria. To make reservations for the meals or golf tournament, call (806) 592-3130. Marty Akins is pastor.
Rosendo Lopez to the ministry at Primera Iglesia Bautista in Muleshoe, Feb. 9.