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Heads up. Your best Christmas memory could happen as quickly as the flash of brake lights on ice.
12/20/2011 - By Marv Knox
You can track the Little Lord Jesus on your GPS. If only the Wise Men had technology … .
12/06/2011 - By Marv Knox
So, what's a "let's keep Christ in Christmas" person to do these days?
11/28/2011 - By Marv Knox
What fills your heart with Thanksgiving? If we have much of anything in common, you're blessed beyond measure.
11/21/2011 - By Marv Knox
Are you more concerned about jobs or the stock market? Your answer may indicate your status in society.
11/17/2011 - By Marv Knox
Does a political candidate's religious faith matter when you vote?
11/07/2011 - By Marv Knox
NFL quarterback Tim Tebow's prayer practice has morphed into an Internet fad. It also raises questions about how to practice faith in public.
11/01/2011 - By Marv Knox
Are you tired of people who disdain knowledge while presenting themselves as the "true" champions of Christianity?
10/18/2011 - By Marv Knox
Sitting in a darkened movie theater, I recognized a truth about baseball that should apply to Christian life.
10/09/2011 - By Marv Knox
News from the Southern Baptist Convention's LifeWay Christian Resources touched a nerve for zillions of Texas Baptists of a certain age.
09/26/2011 - By Marv Knox
Our family won’t waste any time wondering where to start our Thanksgiving list of blessings this fall.
09/15/2011 - By Marv Knox
Looking at the 10th anniversary of 9/11 from downtown Oklahoma City, I see terrorism in an "ecumenical" light.
09/09/2011 - By Marv Knox