Legislative ante
We also can put foot to our prayers and tell our lawmakers we will hold them personally responsible if they vote to increase gambling opportunities.
This year, you can bet—or, as a good Christian, strongly predict—the Legislature is feeling the onslaught of gambling pressure like never before. A perfect storm of factors coalesced to push that onslaught.
Gambling's "perfect storm"
First was a real storm, Hurricane Ike, which wreaked havoc along the coast. Gambling advocates, preying on fear and fatigue, are saying casinos can be the salvation of Galveston.
Second is the escalating economic crisis. The gambling proponents still peddle something-for-nothing, get-rich-quick yarns. They are touting expanded gambling as the solution to many of the state’s financial woes and a way to fund important services that are languishing these days.
(Ironically, this tempts Baptists indirectly. For the most part, we’re notoriously anti-tax; we oppose government-imposed taxes. So, we turn a blind eye to self-imposed regressive taxes, like the lottery.)
Third, Texas’ new House speaker, Joe Straus, is the scion of a prominent racetrack family in San Antonio. Straus has pledged to keep his hands off gambling bills. But while he brings many virtues to the position, his very presence at the helm of the House has emboldened gambling advocates.
Putting on the pressure
So, more than 200 pro-gambling lobbyists are working the capitol, promoting at least 11 bills that would push gambling past the point of pervasiveness throughout Texas.
For example, SJR 31 would establish 12 casinos in Texas. This bill is being sponsored by Reps. Jim Pitts and José Mendez and Sens. John Carona and Rodney Ellis. In addition, HB 1308 by Rep. Norma Chavez would exempt an undetermined number of Native American tribes from prosecution against operating casinos that still would be illegal, but unregulated.
Bad bet for Texas
No matter what the lobbyists say, casinos are a bad bet for Texas. Consider data compiled by Texans Against Gambling:
• Casinos boost bankruptcy rates. A Connecticut study showed 80 percent of problem gamblers cashed in stocks or bonds to support their habit. (Creighton University, 2005)
• Casinos increase local gambling addiction rates. (National Gambling Impact Study, 1999)
• Dollars spent on gambling churn in the gambling industry, since gambling “winners” usually keep on playing and often go into debt. Very little of the money spent in casinos winds up back in the local economy, although the social costs—crime, addiction, poverty, job loss—are huge. (National Gambling Impact Study, 1999)
• Casinos boost crime. A 2006 nationwide study showed “serious” crime increases in the neighborhoods of casinos, even after accounting for economic trends and other factors. (“Casinos, Crime and Community Costs”)
So far, we’ve only taken a quick look at casinos. Gambling backers have much more in mind, like video slot terminals at racetracks and legalized poker parlors.
Make a difference
The pro-gambling lobby is well-funded and staffed. If we’re going to stop gambling expansion, we’ve all got to act and act together. Here’s what you can do:
• Visit the Texans Against Gambling website, www.texansagainstgambling.org.
• Click “Sign the Petition” and endorse a petition against gambling expansion.
• Click “Legislative Issues” and then click “Find Your Legislator” and then write your representative and senators, opposing gambling expansion.
• Click “Donate Now," and join me in supporting this noble effort. Gambling advocates are spending millions of dollars, and opponents are swamped. Texans Against Gambling needs our help.