Not tentative, skittish schoolboy hope, like "I hope I get an iPhone for my birthday." But biblical hope: "God led us thus far. And even though we cannot see the future, in hope, we're stepping out on faith."
Baptist Standard Publishing will launch CommonCall: The Baptist Standard Magazine in January. We have produced a pre-publication edition, which we will distribute at the Baptist General Convention of Texas annual meeting in Corpus Christi the end of the month.
Long path & clear mission
Our journey to CommonCall followed a long path and a clear mission. It began in 1888, when visionaries started a newspaper to draw Texas Baptists together. Since the beginning, we have existed to inform, inspire, equip and empower people to follow Christ and expand the kingdom of God.
Along the way, the Baptist Standard changed names twice, office locations several times, formats and printing styles many times, and editors 12 times. Across the years, our legacy has been forthright news about and for Texas Baptists. To that end, we primarily have published newspapers, but we've also employed other media. Generations ago, we printed books. Recently, we have operated a website and produced a digital edition on the Internet.
Heritage & legacy
Beginning next January, we will celebrate our heritage by extending our legacy even as we innovate once again. Actually, twice again.
For certain, we will continue to publish the Baptist Standard. But not with paper. Every-other week, subscribers will receive a digital edition produced with the latest technology, so that it will be easy to read on your computer, tablet and phone. The new Standard will include the same kind of content you've been reading on newsprint—Baptist and religion news; trends affecting faith and life; articles about missions and ministries; stories about faithful people; and letters and opinion.
And every month, subscribers to the current printed Baptist Standard will receive CommonCall, a magazine crafted in direct response to extensive conversations with Texas Baptists supplemented by surveys of pastors.
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The magazine will highlight human-interest stories about changed lives, Christians who put faith in action, missions, evangelism and family life. It also will present thought-provoking leadership articles and stories about effective church ministries.
We asked pastors what kind of articles they want their members to read—material to equip them for service to Christ in their churches and in their day-to-day lives. We'll follow their guidance as we select content every month.
Solidarity & purpose
The magazine's name represents the solidarity and shared purpose that binds Texas Baptists. CommonCall reflects our desire for this magazine to unify churches and our convention. It also champions our shared commitment to help every Christian fulfill his or her calling.
So, we'll produce a state-of-the-art digital news publication, the Baptist Standard. And we'll respond to the expressed desires of Texas Baptists to receive an uplifting, inspirational magazine, CommonCall.
A great deal …
Individuals and churches who subscribe soon to CommonCall will receive two free bonus subscriptions of the Baptist Standard for each CommonCall subscription. This offer may not last long, but we want to give every Texas Baptists and every Texas Baptist church an easy, economical opportunity to tap into the Baptist Standard legacy and gather together around CommonCall. To make it even more economical, we're selling bundled subscriptions to churches. It's so inexpensive, churches can't afford not to provide it for their members.
In the best biblical sense of the word, we hope to continue blessing Texas Baptists for generations.
If you have questions about our changes or ideas for either the Baptist Standard or CommonCall, contact me:; (214) 630-4571 ext. 1013.
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Send comments and feedback to Eric Black, our editor. For comments to be published, please specify “letter to the editor.” Maximum length for publication is 300 words.