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Steve Bezner gives reasons why pastors are burning out or quitting ministry and ways they and their churches can prevent these outcomes. This is a two-part series.
06/15/2020 - By Steve Bezner
Steve Bezner provides insight into reasons for increasing numbers of pastors taking their own lives, burning out or quitting ministry. This is a two-part series.
06/10/2020 - By Steve Bezner
Focus on form over function has stifled once-booming businesses, but some have remembered their function and adapted to a new day.
05/27/2020 - By Jesse Joyner
Sometimes, a church and its long-tenured pastor find it hard to say a necessary, “Goodbye.” Karl Fickling shares the importance of knowing when to part.
05/26/2020 - By Karl Fickling
Sometimes, a group within a church works against a pastor. Karl Fickling shares what he has learned about addressing conflict to avoid a bad parting.
05/20/2020 - By Karl Fickling
Sometimes, churches and pastors start off on the wrong foot. Karl Fickling shares what he has learned about avoiding a difficult parting.
05/13/2020 - By Karl Fickling
The current pandemic forcing social restrictions is a time ripe for learning. Barry Howard, a ministerial coach, suggests positive things churches are learning.
04/27/2020 - By Barry Howard / Center for Healthy Churches
Robert Creech, professor of pastoral leadership and mentor to countless pastors, offers encouragement to pastors leading through the pressures of a pandemic.
04/16/2020 - By Robert Creech
Angela Gorrell, assistant professor of practical theology at Truett Seminary, provides a free guide to creating participatory worship services as churches go online.
03/23/2020 - By Angela Gorrell / / Baylor University
Scott Jones, the pastor of First Baptist Church in Rockport, shares what he learned from enduring Hurricane Harvey that is helping him lead through the coronavirus pandemic.
03/23/2020 - By Scott Jones
Are you scurrying to take your worship service online and looking for counsel on how to preach for video recordings? Here’s advice from a professor of preaching.
03/18/2020 - By Stephen Rummage
To finish the ministry marathon, a person needs to look, not only inward and outward, but also ahead and, counter-intuitively, up.
03/09/2020 - By Jim Lemons