Review: Traveling Light: Galatians and the Free Life in Christ

Traveling Light: Galatians and the Free Life in Christ

By Eugene H. Peterson (InterVarsity Press)

In Traveling Light, Eugene Peterson makes a compelling case for Christian freedom, in contrast either to legalism or libertinism. Peterson walks readers through the Apostle Paul’s letter to the Galatians, providing a wide-ranging and soul-liberating look at 15 aspects of freedom the Christian life offers.

With the grace of a poet, the heart of a pastor and the disciplined mind of a New Testament scholar, Peterson paints a lovely picture of life unencumbered by fear because it is grounded in God. He offers a clear distinction between the self-centered kind of freedom the world offers and the self-giving freedom to which Christ calls his followers.

Initially published 35 years ago, Traveling Light will be available from InterVarsity Press in an expanded edition Aug. 15. The book is abidingly relevant—perhaps even more so today than when it first was published.

Anything Eugene Peterson wrote is worth reading and rereading. This is no exception.

Ken Camp, managing editor

Baptist Standard