Review: One in Christ
One in Christ: Bridging Racial and Cultural Divides
By David D. Ireland (Regnery Faith)
The United States is multicultural. Are you?
If you are not multicultural, what will it take for you to become so? David Ireland provides his own research, life experience and practical suggestions to help followers of Christ become multicultural in order to fulfill their mandate to make disciples among all people. He writes to a wide audience—individuals, churches and leaders.
The church at Antioch (Acts 11) serves as a biblical prototype for Ireland and appears regularly as a model.
As a result of past wrongs, remedial work must be undertaken for cross-cultural relationships to form and grow. Followers of Christ must take personal ownership and must engage in repentance and reconciliation.
Chapter Six is the heart of the book. Ireland briefly explains a set of attitudes and actions anyone can employ to improve cross-cultural relationships.
Readers may find Ireland’s chapter on the distinction between tolerance and accommodation troubling if they do not keep the two terms within the context of race relations.
The real jewels of the book are the stories sprinkled throughout One in Christ. Ireland’s stories move the narrative beyond simple instruction and lodge in the reader’s heart the richness of multicultural possibilities.
Eric Black, executive director, publisher and editor
Baptist Standard