Review: Hidden Christmas

Editor Eric Black reviews "Hidden Christmas" by Timothy Keller.


Hidden Christmas: The Surprising Truth Behind the Birth of Christ

By Timothy Keller (Penguin Books)

A couple of things to keep in mind: The author is Tim Keller, renowned Christian pastor and bestselling author of books on Christian apologetics; The publisher is Penguin Books, one of the largest publishers in the world.

It’s important to keep these things in mind in light of the title so the reader will understand Keller is not revealing anything new about the Bible, Jesus, Christmas or Christianity. Instead, the publisher knows hidden and surprising things grab readers’ attention. Keller is repeating what Christians and the church have taught for centuries. The title is crafted by the publisher for those unfamiliar with the Bible and who may have little to no knowledge of Christmas’ origin in Christ.

Hidden Christmas is a quick read, perfect for the spare time of December. Keller covers the entire Christmas story, referencing Isaiah 9, Matthew 1-2 and Luke 1-2, explaining the significance of the various events of the story as they relate to the values and hopes of people today.

The book is accessible, even when treating more technical or academic concerns, meaning a wide audience can appreciate what Keller is communicating.

Being a quick and accessible read, Hidden Christmas can serve well as a college Bible study or something read with a coworker, friend or family.

Eric Black, executive director, publisher and editor
Baptist Standard

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