Review: Books for girls by Vicki Courtney
What about Me? Seeing Yourself the Way God Sees You
and Reflect: Discovering the Beauty, Worth, and Wonderfulness of You
By Vicki Courtney (B&H Publishing Group)
Girls today face not only the challenges of previous generations, but also the relentless pressures of social media and constant connectivity. Vicki Courtney, winner of a Mom’s Choice Award for 5 Conversations You Must Have with Your Daughter, offers sound, age-appropriate guidance in What about Me? for girls ages 9-12 and Reflect for young women ages 13 to 18.
The author divides each book into four parts: “Mirror, Mirror,” “That Thing You Do,” “Get More Likes” and “The Truth of the Matter.” Both contain frequent QR codes that connect with engaging videos. Scriptural references abound, and Courtney includes entries by other female Christian authors. The books end with messages of salvation and prayers for the future.
What about Me? talks straight to I’m-not-a-teenager-yet-but-think-I-am girls. The title begins with “Pretty Packaging,” closes with “Treasures in Heaven” and explores a myriad of topics in-between, including “Why Doesn’t He Notice Me?” and “You Can Fail without Being a Failure.” Entries easily could serve as daily devotional readings with their stories, practical advice and “What About You?” questions. “Dear Daughter” letters bring tears to moms’ eyes, if not to their daughters’.
Reflect provides more sophisticated packaging, quizzes, “Wise Words from College Girls” and “Think This, Not That” Scriptures. The longer entries address engaging topics such as “Google-A-Sinner,” “Warning! Fashion Magazines Can Be Dangerous to Your Health” and “Selfie-Obsessed.” However, in spite of Courtney’s statement that “Beauty is not defined by physical appearance,” Reflect features numerous photographs of teens—all attractive and not one who is overweight.
Girls and those who love them, including youth ministers, should consider What about Me? and Reflect—but do so quickly before the girl grows up or the book becomes outdated.
Kathy Robinson Hillman, former president
Baptist General Convention of Texas