Review: Becoming God’s Epic

Becoming God’s Epic: Fulfilling Your Purpose in Christ

By Billy M. Murchison Jr. (Westbow Press)

God has a plan and purpose for everyone who claims the name of Christ. And God gives faithful followers biblically grounded dreams and visions—an awareness of needs, the aspiration to meet needs, and the desire to step out by faith in response to needs, Billy M. Murchison Jr. asserts.

First-time author Murchison provides a simple but profound Bible study about the dreams and visions promised when God poured out his Holy Spirit on the church. The dreams and visions he describes are not esoteric experiences for a handful of mystics. Rather, they are unselfish goals that stretch the faith of Christ’s followers but do not strain the Holy Spirit’s ability to turn hope into something tangible that will bring honor and glory to God.

Murchison is a layman writing for other laymen. For the most part, his approach is refreshing and genuine. On rare occasions, he ventures into areas that risk causing distraction. For example, one might wish he had not spent several pages detailing his particular views on eschatology. The important points he made could have been equally convincing and less contentious had he simply referred to generally agreed-upon doctrines such as the Second Coming of Christ, resurrection and judgment without speculating about the details.

Don’t allow differences of opinion on a few matters to take attention away from Murchison’s main points. And don’t stop reading. The final chapter includes a testimony-in-progress that could be worth a second book by the author.

Ken Camp, managing editor

Baptist Standard