Book Review: Shock the Wheat


Shock the Wheat: Helping Jesus Seek and Save the Lost by G. Jack Wren (Crossbooks)

book wren200Jack Wren has written a short exhortation about evangelism using the term “shock the wheat,” a colloquialism for a worker’s specific task during harvest. The author’s inner fire burns brightly as he shares his vision to “inspire some, who perhaps are resting on the bench, to get in the race of life.”

In one particularly inspirational story, Wren recalls an event from his boyhood, when no preacher in his community would conduct his aunt’s funeral because she died from a sexually transmitted disease. Desperate, his aunt’s sister asked the “new Baptist preacher in Berea” if he would bury her sister. The pastor’s loving response made a life-long impression on Wren. The minister agreed to perform the funeral without any conditions. To this day, Wren remains committed to dealing compassionately with people in grief.

This book wonderfully reminds Christians of our mission to a lost world. As Wren writes, “All God needs to change lives on a grand scale is for his followers to faithfully tell their life stories by the way they live and what they say.” With humble sincerity, Wren “shocks the wheat.”

Mary Pat Johns


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