Book Review: Glory Days

Glory Days: Living Your Promised Land Life Now by Max Lucado (Thomas Nelson)

Some pastors have a gift for preaching familiar passages and Scripture stories in fresh ways. Some Christian writers intuitively place words together to illustrate and illuminate Bible principles that engage the head and the heart. Preacher-author Max Lucado consistently does both, no more effectively than in Glory Days, a study of the book of Joshua.

glory days 200The volume begins with an invitation to personalize God’s promise to Israel in Joshua 21:43-45. Then for 15 chapters, Lucado steers the reader through the steps, stumbles, stages and ultimately the final victory in God. Starting with Joshua 1:1-6 and concluding with Joshua 23, Lucado combines sound Bible study with stories from life, ministry and today’s headlines. Each chapter title seems almost a command, among them: “Inherit Your Inheritance,” “It’s Okay If You’re Not Okay,” “Don’t Trust Stuff” and “Pray Audacious Prayers.”

The afterword speaks to those who feel discomfort with the bloody violence depicted in Joshua. A study guide completes the work, including key verses and sections for each chapter titled “Your Wilderness,” “Your Crossing Moment,” “Your Promised Land” and “Promise Prayer.”

In Glory Days, Lucado provides a versatile volume appropriate for individuals, small and large groups, or as a basis for a sermon series. But beware. Only pick up the book if you’re “ready to march” under God’s command.

Kathy Robinson Hillman, immediate past president
Baptist General Convention of Texas