- Lesson 9 in the Connect360 unit “The Making of Authentic Faith: Wisdom that Works” focuses on James 4:13-17.
We all have plans. Whether by way of our dreams, decisions or even detours throughout life, all of us are trying to get to the next stage or the “big” thing that sums up all our efforts. However, as great as those plans are in our eyes, we should ask ourselves a very important question: Does God see my plans the same way I do?
Listening to God is important as it keeps us in a place where we value his input more than our own. Listening to God is important because it means I slow down long enough to make sure I don’t chase my plans without God’s support. Listening to God is important because when I wait on him to speak before I move, I can rest in knowing God is with me no matter what happens.
The Book of James reminds us that though we make plans for tomorrow, only God knows if we will be a part of the tomorrow we plan. As we go throughout life, we need to ask ourselves consistently, “Am I listening to God?”
Know who holds tomorrow
The Bible teaches us no one knows what a day will bring (Proverbs 27:1) and we are all at the mercy of time and chance in life (Ecclesiastes 9:11). So, we know making assumptions about our lives is not wise. Does God want us to live in fear? Of course not. Does God want us to give up making plans for the future? Of course not. However, what God does want us to do is remember he is in control of everything at all times and we are not.
While we never completely know what will happen tomorrow, God never has experienced a tomorrow he did not already completely know. While we cannot start or end our days on Earth, God is able to tell anyone who asks the start and end of our days on this planet before we ever arrived here. While we fear missing out on something, are insecure regarding the unknown, or are concerned about a lack of ability, God has only experienced being everywhere at one time, knowing all things, and possessed all power. Our endless limitations are meant to drive us into the knowledge of the One who is unlimited.
Compiled by Stan Granberry, marketing coordinator for GC2 Press, formerly known as BaptistWay Press.
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