Classified Ad Interest Form
Please complete the form below. You will receive an auto-reply confirmation, then we will reply to you by email within 2 business days to confirm the cost and publication dates for your ad.
Your ad will not run until our staff confirm duration of ad run and payment.Â
The classified ad rate is $2.00 per word, figure or initial. Minimum charge is $30. Rate includes 4 weeks on the Baptist Standard website. Purchase 8 weeks and receive 2 additional weeks free. No refund will be issued for unused portions of classifieds.
Classified ads are for churches, associations, conventions and denominational entities. The appearance of an ad is not an endorsement from the Baptist Standard. Other ads will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
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If you have any questions, please contact us at or 214-630-4571, ext. 1014.