Todd Gray: Marks of a Faithful Follower


Baptists Preaching is a column from the Baptist Standard. It is not an effort to advance any one theology or style but to present what a collection of Baptists considers a word from God. Likewise, Baptists Preaching offers a repository of Baptist preaching for future study and research. To recommend a sermon to be featured in Baptists Preaching, please contact

Todd Gray: Marks of a Faithful Follower (Philippians 1:1-11)

Todd Gray, senior pastor of Coggins Avenue Baptist Church in Brownwood, loves the book of Philippians; it’s one of his favorite books. In Philippians, Paul teaches to be in Christ means a Christian is able to choose joy, he said. Paul also communicates through the letter his affection for the Philippian church and his correction and encouragement of it.

Gray recounted the history of the Philippian church as recorded in Acts 16. He noted a woman—Lydia—was the first convert and was influential in the Philippian church. Women and men are equal in worth and have different roles in the home and the church, Gray said.

Philippi also was where Paul and Silas were imprisoned for casting a demon out of a young woman. During their night in prison, they praised God, who released them from prison miraculously. While in prison again later, Paul wrote his letter to the Philippian church, including the word joy 14 times, Gray said.

A faithful follower of Christ is marked by selflessness, gospel support and a life of intercessory prayer. Joy is a byproduct of these characteristics, Gray asserted. He developed his assertion through the second half of the sermon and concluded by leading his hearers in praying Philippians 1:9-11 over other people.

This sermon was delivered Apr. 24, 2022, for the morning worship service at Coggin Avenue Baptist Church in Brownwood as part of a series titled “Choose Joy: Philippians.”

A sermon transcript is available here.

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