Baptists Preaching
Chris Bruce: Christ Conquers Evil
05/10/2022 - By Staff / Baptist Standard
Chris Bruce, senior pastor of First Baptist Church in Lexington, opened with reference to Russia’s war against Ukraine. (Colossians 2:15)
Hannah Brown: Envy or Kindness
05/03/2022 - By Staff / Baptist Standard
Hannah Brown, preaching resident at First Baptist Church in Temple and student at Baylor University’s Truett Theological Seminary, examined the root desire of honor and worthiness, and our struggle with envy. (1 Peter 2:1, Colossians 3:9-14, Isaiah 43:1-4)
Jared Alcántara: Perseguido por Causa de la Justicia
04/26/2022 - By Staff / Baptist Standard
Jared Alcántara, profesor asociado de predicación en Truett Theological Seminary de Baylor University, examinó tres lecciones de las enseñanzas de Jesús sobre la persecución contenidas en su Sermón del Monte registrado en Mateo 5-7. (Mateo 5:10-12)
Jared Alcántara: Persecuted for the Cause of Justice
04/26/2022 - By Staff / Baptist Standard
Jared Alcántara, associate professor of preaching at Baylor University’s Truett Theological Seminary, examined three lessons from Jesus’ teaching on persecution contained in his Sermon on the Mount recorded in Matthew 5-7. (Matthew 5:10-12)
David Lorenz: Life in His Name
04/19/2022 - By Staff / Baptist Standard
David Lorenz, senior pastor of First Baptist Church in Friendswood, declared the Easter message has not changed in 2,000 years, and he is excited about that because it is a message about life and the giver of life. (John 20:19-31)
Rev. Jewel M. London: There is Value in the Dirt
04/12/2022 - By Staff / Baptist Standard
Rev. Jewel M. London, pastoral assistant to Dr. Ralph D. West at The Church Without Walls in Houston, learned from her mother, “There is value in the dirt.” (Genesis 3:17-19)
Pastor Santiago Vasquez: The Golden You
04/05/2022 - By Staff / Baptist Standard
Pastor Santiago Vasquez, pastor of Valley Hi First Baptist Church in San Antonio and a graduate of Baptist University of the Américas, read a pointed list of reasons why people need spiritual revival. (Exodus 32:1-29)
Israel Loachamin: The Voice of Power: The Power of our Voices
03/29/2022 - By Staff / Baptist Standard
Israel Loachamin, associate pastor of Spanish ministry at First Baptist Church in Waco and director of La Puerta Waco, invited his congregation to meditate on the power of their voices. (Luke 7:1-17)
Israel Loachamin: La Voz del Poder: El Poder de Nuestras Voces
03/29/2022 - By Staff / Baptist Standard
Israel Loachamin, el pastor asociado del ministerio español en First Baptist Church en Waco y director de La Puerta Waco, invitó a su congregación a meditar sobre el poder de sus voces. (Lucas 7:1-17)
Wade Berry: Questioning the Identity of Jesus
03/22/2022 - By Staff / Baptist Standard
Wade Berry, pastor of Second Baptist Church in Ranger, preached in challenging circumstances. Two days earlier, the church’s building was destroyed by fire. (Luke 8:22-25)
Kimberly Texidor: Conquering Virtual Giants
03/15/2022 - By Staff / Baptist Standard
Kimberly Texidor, kids’ and women’s pastor at The Woodlands First Baptist Church, reflected on whistleblower indictments of Facebook that also apply to other social media platforms. (Philippians 4:4-9)
Hannah Coe: Love Builds Up
03/08/2022 - By Staff / Baptist Standard
Hannah Coe, senior pastor of Calvary Baptist Church in Waco, pointed out, “Creative license has its limitations.” Paul made the same point about freedom. (1 Corinthians 10:23-33)