Jorge Vásquez: Confiado en lo que Dios cumple /Trusting in what God Accomplishes


Baptists Preaching is a column from the Baptist Standard. It is not an effort to advance any one theology or style but to present what a collection of Baptists considers a word from God. Likewise, Baptists Preaching offers a repository of Baptist preaching for future study and research. To recommend a sermon to be featured in Baptists Preaching, please contact

Jorge Vásquez: Confiado en lo que Dios cumple (Filipenses 1)/Trusting in what God accomplishes (Philippians 1)

Jorge Vásquez, pastor de la Iglesia Bautista Ágape, inicia el mensaje con una gran ayuda visual de una silla y cómo tenemos confianza en la silla para evitar que caigamos al suelo. De la misma manera, el pastor Vásquez quiere que entendamos que, como cristianos, encontramos confianza a través de nuestra fe en Jesucristo. Nos explica y nos aconseja que nuestro sufrimiento debe reflejar la actitud de Pablo en su sufrimiento y encarcelamiento.

Este sermón se pronunció el domingo de Pascua, el 4 de abril de 2021, durante el servicio de adoración matutino de la Iglesia Bautista Ágape en San Antonio, como parte de una serie de sermones titulada “Cristianismo certero”.


Jorge Vásquez, pastor of Agape Baptist Church in San Antonio, Texas, starts the message with a great visual aid of a chair and how we are confident in the chair to keep us from falling to the ground. In the same manner, Pastor Vasquez is wanting us to understand that as Christians we find confidence through our faith in Jesus Christ. He takes us through and advises that our suffering should parallel the attitude of Paul’s attitude in his suffering and imprisonment.

This sermon was delivered on Easter Sunday, April 4, 2021, during the morning worship service at Agape Baptist Church in San Antonio, as part of a series of sermons titled “True Christianity.”

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