Healing the sick & preventing a healthcare reform debacle
Unless there is consensus, the attempt at health care reform could go down like the Hindenburg. Many conservative religious groups continue to oppose a major overhaul of the health care system, while centrist and liberal religious groups have large coalitions in favor of comprehensive reform.
09/18/2009 - By admin
Theologian-scientist says there are pathways between two disciplines
There are paths between science and theology, and both can find value in interaction, noted author and professor of science and theology Robert Russell told an audience at Mercer University's McAfee School of Theology Sept. 15.
09/17/2009 - By Administrator
Jews reach out to Latino evangelicals seeking allies
Early on a weekday morning, dozens of Latino evangelical leaders stream into a large church on the outskirts of Los Angeles. Greeting one another in Spanish, they sip coffee and share pastries until they are informed that class is about to begin.
09/11/2009 - By admin