How can our adopted child’s heritage be celebrated?
Studies show that children who learn about their heritage have higher self-esteem and a positive self-image and become emotionally healthier adults, said Karin Price, director of Dillon International’s adoption education center.
10/30/2009 - By admin
Ethicists suggest delete mean-spirited e-mails
Blessed are they who hit the “delete” key instead of “forward” when it comes to mean-spirited e-mails of questionable veracity, several Christian ethicists suggested.
10/16/2009 - By admin
‘Maggie Lee for Good’ day surpasses goal of 13,000 good deeds
An Internet-fueled show of support for a 12-year-old girl killed this summer in a church-bus accident is reaching as far away as Africa, bringing clean water to impoverished children in Malawi.
10/15/2009 - By Administrator