TOGETHER: A way for Baptists to bless the world

Posted: 2/02/07

A way for Baptists to bless the world

Word comes to us that nine Christian pastors have been jailed in Zimbabwe. The Baptist World Alliance has called for release of these pastors, who are working for peace and justice. This is but one example of what is happening in many places. And it is one of the reasons it is so important for Baptists from across North America to gather in Atlanta a year from now.

There is strength in numbers and in unity. Texas Baptists will join Baptists from across Canada, Mexico and all 50 states to celebrate our unity in the great gospel of Jesus Christ. The special emphasis for this meeting will be to help Baptists speak a clear word to a watching and listening world that we are Jesus People.

Executive Director
BGCT Executive Board

We believe God loves the world so much that he sent Jesus and those who follow him into the world so people can have eternal life and not perish.

We believe God honors his word and his promises, and we can preach boldly the truth of God to a confused, broken and frightened world.

We believe God expects those who name themselves after Christ to live as he lived and love as he loved.

We believe following Jesus means following him into the streets where people are wounded, lonely, sick, suffering and lost.

We believe honoring Jesus and praising God cannot be done with integrity and meaning if we are not present with the people Jesus loves and died to save.

We believe that in Christ we are to treat one another as brothers and sisters who love one another, whatever our race or language.

We believe in religious liberty for all people. The gospel is free for all and cannot be limited by government nor should the church seek to use government to persuade or influence faith.

We believe faith is a matter of individual decision and response, prompted by the Holy Spirit. Faith is a gift of God’s grace and must never be the result of coercion.

We believe Jesus made it clear what he was about, and he made it clear we are to be about the same things. “As the Father has sent me, so send I you,” he said to the first disciples. To do what? Care for the sick and bring healing. Care for the prisoners and visit them. Care for the stranger and welcome them. Care for the homeless, the naked, the hungry and thirsty and do something about it. Care for the children, no matter how busy you are. Care for the oppressed and seek to release them from their bondage. Care for the lost and preach the gospel to them.

Where does that all come from? Jesus’ own words and deeds. It is all in the gospels. Note especially John 3:16-17, Luke 4:18-19, Matthew 25:34-46, Luke 7:18-23 and Matthew 28:18-20.

What could it mean to our world if we Baptists said all of this with one voice, from one place, at the same time? I believe it would bless the world. I believe it would draw people to Christ because they could say, “Look, how those people love one another.” It also could change the way Baptist churches see the significance of their mission and ministry in the world. And I believe it would encourage many churches that are not Baptist to want to be more about Jesus’ kingdom business, too.

We are loved.

Charles Wade is executive director of the Baptist General Convention of Texas Executive Board.

News of religion, faith, missions, Bible study and Christian ministry among Baptist churches, in Texas, the BGCT, the nation and around the world.