Texas Tidbits


Posted: 10/19/07

Texas Tidbits

Wade retirement reception set. A reception honoring Baptist General Convention of Texas Executive Director Charles Wade will be held Oct. 29 following the second general session of the BGCT annual meeting that day. BGCT-affiliated institutions are hosting the event. Wade is set to retire at the end of January.

Missions banquet planned. “Catching the Winds of Missions” is the theme of a missions celebration banquet at 5 p.m., Oct. 29 in the Regency B Ballroom of the Amarillo Civic Center. The event, scheduled in conjunction with the Baptist General Convention of Texas annual meeting, will honor Cecil Deadman and Nelda Gerbine for their leadership in LifeCall and Mission Service Corps. There is no cost, but a donation to the Mary Hill Davis Offering for Texas Missions is requested. To make a reservation, e-mail stacey.rice@bgct.org.

Substance abuse ministry spotlighted. A dinner meeting designed to help churches gain practical insights about how to minister to people dealing with substance abuse issues is scheduled at 7 p.m., Oct. 28, at Randy’s at 817 South Polk, Suite 105 in Amarillo, prior to the Baptist General Convention of Texas annual meeting. Nichole Holt, director of the Texas Standing Tall coalition, and Nobel Schear, youth minister at Royal Haven Baptist Church in Dallas, are featured speakers at the event, sponsored by the Christian Life Commission. Cost is $10. To make a reservation, call (214) 828-5190 or e-mail deby.irby@bgct.org.

Nurses’ group honors Baylor Health Care. The American Nurses Association has recognized Baylor Health Care System with a Best Practices Award in seasonal influenza immunization. Baylor was one of only five health-care providers in the nation that received the honor. Baylor’s influenza vaccination campaign achieved an employee vaccination rate of 64 percent, far exceeding the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention-reported national rates of 36 percent for health-care personnel, said Rosemary Luquire, chief nursing officer with Baylor Health Care System.

Emerging leaders to have breakfast. The Baptist General Convention of Texas is hosting a breakfast Oct. 29 for Baptists under 40 that features David Coffey, president of the Baptist World Alliance. The Emerging Leaders Network gathering will take place just before the start of the Baptist General Convention of Texas annual meeting. The breakfast will be at 8 a.m. in the Sabine Room of the Ambassador Hotel in Amarillo. To make a reservation, e-mail Blake Killingsworth at blake@dbu.edu.

Baylor professors named among top religion authors. The American Library Association has included the works of two Baylor University professors—The Listening Heart: Vocation and the Crisis of Modern Culture by the late A.J. “Chip” Conyers, a founding faculty member of Truett Seminary, and Discovering God: The Origins of the Great Religions and the Evolution of Belief by Rodney Stark, university professor of social sciences at Baylor—in its list of top 10 books in religion for 2007. Conyers’ book was published posthumously.

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