Posted: 3/30/07
Texas Tidbits
Scholarship fund benefits HPU student workers. The Landon Carter and Edna Fay Johnson Work Scholarship Fund has been established at Howard Payne University to pay students for their on-campus work. The fund honors the memories of the Johnsons, members of First Baptist Church in Ponca City, Okla. Mrs. Johnson graduated from Howard Payne and taught math at the school nine years.
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The Ancient Trasures of the Holy Land exhibit features an ossuary (casket) that many archaeologists think contained the bones of Simon of Cyrenia. |
Holy Land relics come to Texas. An exhibit of Holy Land relics—believed to be the largest ever to tour the United States—is on display at Dallas Fair Park through July 28. The 27,000-square-foot exhibits includes more than 350 relics and rare sacred texts, including many never before seen outside of Jerusalem.The display include portions of the Leviticus and Deuteronomy Dead Sea Scrolls; the ossuary (bone box) archeologists believe held the remains of Simon the Cyrene, who carried the cross for Jesus; a 2,000-year-old sandal found at Masada; Egyptian artifacts, some over 5,000 years old; ancient weapons, including bronze spear heads, battle axes and a sword dating as early as 2200 B.C.
Maston lectures slated at Logsdon. Allen Verhey of Duke University is the featured speaker for the T.B. Maston Christian ethics lectures April 2 and 3 at Hardin-Simmons University’s Logsdon School of Theology. Topics include “Reading Scripture and Caring at the End of Life” and “Praying and Caring at the End of Life.” The lectures are free and open to the public.
Horner Scholarship to benefit DBU international students. Andy and Joan Horner, founders of Irving-based Premier Designs and members of First Baptist Church in Dallas, donated over $200,000 to establish an endowed scholarship benefiting international students at Dallas Baptist University. The Joan Horner International Scholarship fund will partner with churches to provide matching scholarships for international students. Since 1988, the DBU international student population has grown from 12 to 404 students in the fall 2006 semester, representing 53 countries.
Foundation sets grant schedule. Baptist Health Foundation of San Antonio is accepting letters of inquiry for 2007 responsive grants from $25,000 to $250,000 and grant applications for mini-grants of less than $5,000 from not-for-profit organizations helping meet community health needs in the foundation’s eight-county service area—Atascosa, Bandera, Bexar, Comal, Guadalupe, Kendall, Medina and Wilson. Since the foundation began making grants in 2005, more than $7.6 million have been awarded, including more than $3.88 million last year. Responsive grant letters of inquiry should provide information about the organization, its mission and the nature of the request. The deadline for submitting responsive grant letters of inquiry is May 25. Mini-grants are designed to support and encourage grassroots health activities primarily through local churches and community organizations with small operating budgets. The deadline for mini-grant proposals is June 15. For more information, call Eusebio Diaz at (210) 735-9009 or visit
Correction: A photo cutline on page 10 of the March 19 Standard incorrectly identified one individual as Carolyn McEntyre. The person pictured is Susan Bush from First Baptist Church in Athens.
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