2007 Archives
CYBER COLUMN by Jinny Henson: Thank God he’s no helicopter parent
Posted: 3/09/06
Thank God he's no helicopter parentBy Jinny Henson
On a flight from DFW to Chicago not long ago, I heard the most audacious example yet of helicopter parenting—a term used to describe the hovering nature of parents engineering their child’s every situation to create a positive result. Blame it on the vapid competition today’s children face or our parental thirst for validation, but these days some parents are hovering; paving the way and quick to indulge.
Jinny Henson Behind me was a mother in her late 30s attempting to instruct her son in California via cell phone how to properly load cartridges into his new Nintendo D.S. player. She had him read the directions to her twice and offered her take on them. The Nintendo, it seems, has a space for both Nintendo games and its forerunner, Game Boy game cartridges. Oddly enough, the Granny Nanny taking care of the kids was of absolutely no assistance. Imagine that.
03/09/2007 - By John Rutledge
Baptistsâ post-Katrina efforts in Louisiana still under way
Updated: 3/02/07
Baptists’ post-Katrina efforts
in Louisiana still under way
By Carla Wynn
Cooperative Baptist Fellowship
LACOMBE, La. (ABP)—It’s been a long road for the home of Loretta and Samuel Ducre of Lacombe, La.
Their original home is gone—destroyed in August 2005 when Hurricane Katrina mauled the Gulf Coast. And its replacement, built and furnished by volunteers, has been on its way for nearly a year.
Lacombe resident Shovie Ducre talks with CBF of Louisiana disaster response volunteer Mary Beth Thomas in August. Ducre's home was among the first restore by Fellowship volunteers in Lacombe. (Photo by Carla Wynn) 03/03/2007 - By John Rutledge
If heaven is filled with music, Larner arrived early
Updated: 3/02/07
Linda Elston helps her mother, Bernice Larner, celebrate 70 years as a church pianist. If heaven is filled with music,
Bernice Larner arrived early
By George Henson
Staff Writer
MORGAN MILL—For the last 70 years, Sunday mornings have found Bernice Larner at a church piano bench. And she’s been blessed with every hymn she’s played, including her favorite, “He Keeps Me Singing.”
In addition to 62 years at Morgan Mill Baptist Church, Larner also was pianist for a church in Odessa for four years in the mid-1950s and in Azle for four years in the late-1960s.
03/03/2007 - By John Rutledge
ETBU international students offer global perspective
Updated: 3/02/07
ETBU international students offer
community a global perspective
By Mike Midkiff
East Texas Baptist University
MARSHALL—International students at East Texas Baptist University gave Marshall-area children and university students a glimpse into their native lands during an on-campus international fair.
At an international fair at East Texas Baptist University, Youling (Judy) Yu, a visiting scholar from Lanzhou University of Technology of China, gives instruction in origami to teacher-education student Debbie Darville of Marshall. The university’s international education office invited children’s missions and Bible groups from East Texas churches to the fair.
03/03/2007 - By John Rutledge
Texas Acteen selected for national panel
Updated: 3/02/07
Megan Jones Mallory Harrell Lili Muongkhot Erin Radomsky Texas Acteen selected for national panel
By Amy Whitfield
Woman’s Missionary Union
BIRMINGHAM, Ala.—Woman’s Missionary Union has selected Tiffany Clark, 16, of Humble Area’s First Baptist Church to be a 2007 National Acteens Panelist.
Tiffany earned the honor because of her strong commitment to missions and to Acteens, a Baptist missions program for teenage girls, national WMU officials said. They also cited her exemplary leadership and involvement in her school, community and church.
Tiffany Clark 03/03/2007 - By John Rutledge
‘From the Dust’ takes music behind bars
Updated: 3/02/07
Yvette and Kevin Snow are part of From the Dust, a music group that ministers in prisons throughout Texas. 'From the Dust' takes music behind bars
By George Henson
Staff Writer
THE COLONY—Like missionaries Paul and Silas in the New Testament, band members of the Christian band From the Dust hope taking their songs to prisons might cause inmates to ask, “What must I do to be saved?”
From the Dust grew out of a church praise band that led worship on Sunday mornings.
Kevin Snow, bass guitarist and vocalist for From the Dust. • Watch video clips about the ministry of From the Dust here and here. • Hear their blues version of Blessed Assurance.
• Listen to more music at their website, www.fromthedust.com.
03/03/2007 - By John Rutledge
Covenant most important Baptist event since Civil War, Allen says
Updated: 3/02/07
Covenant most important Baptist
event since Civil War, Allen says
By Hannah Elliott
Associated Baptist Press
DECATUR, Ga. (ABP)—Next January’s “Celebration of a New Baptist Covenant” will be the most important Baptist event since before the Civil War, an emotional Jimmy Allen told Cooperative Baptist Fellowship leaders.
Allen, the last moderate to serve as president of the Southern Baptist Convention, stressed that the two Democratic former presidents leading the charge for the historic pan-Baptist gathering—Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton—want to avoid politics at the rally.
Emmanuel McCall listens as Jimmy Allen talks to Cooperative Baptist Fellowship leaders. 03/03/2007 - By John Rutledge