2007 Archives
Explore the Bible Series for April 22: Christians should exude Christ when squeezed
Posted: 4/13/07
Explore the Bible Series for April 22
Christians should exude Christ when squeezed
• 1 Peter 4:7-19
First Baptist Church, Duncanville
The world places a lot of stock in our intelligence quotient (IQ), but as Christians, we must place more value in our attitudes, especially our attitude toward difficulties. Take a short quiz and see how your suffering quotient (SQ) rates.
04/13/2007 - By John Rutledge
Student actors say portraying Christ becomes role of a lifetime
Posted: 4/13/07
Student Jeff Sutton portrays Christ during the University of Mary Hardin-Baylor outdoor Easter pageant, a campus tradition for more than 60 years. (Photos/Carol Woodward) Student actors say portraying
Christ becomes role of a lifetimeBy Jennifer Sicking
University of Mary Hardin-Baylor
BELTON—Three times Jeff Sutton was raised up on a cross, and each time he felt the power of what it represented.
“It is powerful to realize that what I did was imitation, acting, but what Christ did was real,” Sutton, a religion major from Dallas, said about his role as Jesus in the University of Mary Hardin-Baylor’s 68th annual Easter pageant. “Every time I would lay down on the cross, my heart would get in a knot. Christ did it for real. Nails would go through his hands; his blood was shed.”
04/13/2007 - By John Rutledge
Wade announces plans to retire as BGCT executive director
Updated: 4/12/07
BGCT Executive Director Charles Wade talks with Associate Executive Director/COO Ron Gunter after Wade's retirement announcement (BGCT photo). Wade announces plans to retire
as BGCT executive directorBy Ken Camp
Managing Editor
DALLAS—Charles Wade, who led the Baptist General Convention of Texas through major changes in its governance and reorganization of its Executive Board staff, has announced plans to retire as executive director Jan. 31, 2008.
Wade told Baptist Building employees of his plans at an April 11 staff meeting after he informed BGCT President Steve Vernon and Executive Board Chairman Bob Fowler.
• Listen to Charles Wade announce his retirement with comments from Bob Fowler and Steve Vernon. • Read the text here . 04/12/2007 - By John Rutledge
Text of Charles Wade’s address to the BGCT staff
Posted: 4/11/07
Text of Charles Wade's address to the BGCT staff
As I have said to Texas Baptists in many places and many times: “I thank my God every time I think of you. I pray for you with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now.”
Especially, I am glad to say that to this staff who serve Texas Baptists in myriad ways with steadfast faith and impressive skill. No leader of Texas Baptists could ever hope for a more dedicated and able group of women and men to serve alongside than I have enjoyed the past seven years.
Charles Wade We have accomplished much together, and there is more to be done. We will continue to give our full energies to the task Texas Baptists assigned to my care and God called me to do when I began this journey with you in November 1999.
It is now time to announce that I will retire from the role of Executive Director of the BGCT on January 31, 2008. Though I will continue to give leadership and encouragement to you, the Executive Board of the Convention, and Texas Baptists for the next 9 1/2 months, it is necessary for me to give this advance notice so there can be adequate time for the Executive Board to initiate the search process to find the next Executive Director whom I believe God has already been preparing to take up this critical and special calling.
04/11/2007 - By John Rutledge
Posted: 5/30/03
OneDay03 perpetuates passion for following God
SHERMAN–Rather than spending Memorial Day weekend at beaches or amusement parks, nearly 30,000 college students and young adults sought God on a 400-acre ranch near Sherman.
OneDay03 encompassed the weekend, climaxing in seven hours of worship, teaching and prayer on Memorial Day.
Almost 30,000 college students converged on a ranch near Sherman over the Memorial Day weekend to participate in OneDay03, a nationwide "sacred assembly" designed to help them focus on God. (Leann Callaway Photo) Led by Louie Giglio, founder and director of Passion Conferences for youth and young adults, OneDay included a number of well-known speakers, worship artists and other Christian leaders.
04/09/2007 - By John Rutledge