2007 Archives
Explore the Bible Series for June 17: A call to remember who we are
Posted: 6/07/07
Explore the Bible Series for June 17
A call to remember who we are
• Nahum 1:1-3, 7-8; 3:1-7, 19
First Baptist Church, Duncanville
“I never cease to be amazed at the degeneracy and depravity of modern man,” a coworker of mine said after a brief discussion of current events. In one sentence, he summed up the message of Nahum.
06/07/2007 - By John Rutledge
BGCT posts registered sex offenders serving in Texas Baptist churches
Posted: 6/06/07
BGCT posts registered sex offenders
serving in Texas Baptist churchesBy John Hall
Texas Baptist Communications
DALLAS—The Baptist General Convention of Texas is providing a list registered sex offenders who were or are on staff at its affiliated churches.
The convention will post online at www.bgct.org/brokentrust the eight names of people in its file of sexual misconduct incidents who are convicted sex offenders and will begin reviewing the list of ministers at each of its more than 5,600-affiliated congregations to see if any other registered sex offenders are serving across the state. If any offenders are discovered, they also will be listed on the BGCT’s website.
06/06/2007 - By John Rutledge
Explore the Bible Series for June 10: Replacing selfishness with faith
Posted: 5/31/07
Explore the Bible Series for June 10
Replacing selfishness with faith
• Obadiah 1-4, 10-13, 15
First Baptist Church, Duncanville
The “Me Generation” has borne its fruit. We live in what may well be the most selfish generation ever. Let me clarify by saying I don’t really believe people today are worse than in the past. People always have struggled with selfishness and pride. It’s just that today—with mass communication, cell phones and technology—selfishness has become a mass movement.
06/04/2007 - By John Rutledge
Three churches form ties that bind
Posted: 6/01/07
Pastors Alfred McLennan Jr., Al Brausam and Jorge Luna stand outside First Baptist Church in Forest Hill. Luna’s congregation, Iglesia Bautista Roca Firme, has become part of First Baptist, and McLennan’s congregation, Greater True Vine Baptist Church, also joined recently. (Photo by George Henson) Three churches form ties that bind
By George Henson
Staff Writer
FOREST HILL—The Bible says that a cord of three strands is not quickly broken, and three Fort Worth-area congregations are binding themselves together in a partnership that they expect to strengthen them all.
Attendance at First Baptist Church in Forest Hill has been declining for years. When Pastor Al Brausam arrived at the church last May, the congregation had dwindled to about 40 people—mostly white, and with an average age of 70.
06/01/2007 - By John Rutledge
Barefoot sermon kicks off Buckner shoe drive
Posted: 6/01/07
Pastor Ed Hogan during his "shoeless sermon" on behalf of Buckner International's Shoes for Orphan Souls campaign. Barefoot sermon kicks off Buckner shoe drive
By George Henson
Staff Writer
HOUSTON—Pastor Ed Hogan recently preached a sermon unlike any he ever preached before—not because of its content, but because he was barefoot.
Jersey Village Baptist Church in Houston asked its members to come to church barefooted to kick off the church’s efforts to gather 2,000 pairs of shoes for Buckner International’s Shoes for Orphan Souls campaign.
06/01/2007 - By John Rutledge