2007 Archives
Music cuts across language, cultural barriers in Japan
Posted: 6/22/07
Singing "O Happy Day," Douglas Edwards of Minnehulla Baptist Church in Goliad performs solo with the Texas Voices of Praise Choir. (Photos by Barbara Bedrick/BGCT) Music cuts across language,
cultural barriers in JapanBy Barbara Bedrick
Texas Baptist Communications
TOKYO, Japan—Music is proving to be the universal language as Texas Baptists from 10 African American churches performed for a crowd of 500 Japanese people at a concert hall near Toyko June 20.
Volunteers with the group said they could see the Japanese people connecting with the music by the Texas Voices of Praise Choir—and even singing along with the lyrics.
06/22/2007 - By John Rutledge
The recycle of clergy abuse
Posted: 6/08/07
The recycle of clergy abuse
By Greg Warner
Associated Baptist Press
Secrecy about clergy sexual abuse may protect an abuser’s current church from embarrassment but often at the expense of his next church—and its children.
Like many small, rural congregations that find themselves without a pastor, East Bonne Terre Baptist Church had a small budget and few options. So when church members heard there was a new preacher in the area who was seeking a pulpit, it looked like God’s timing.
06/21/2007 - By John Rutledge