2007 Archives
KidsHeart volunteers say God worked miracles with Kool-Aid and crafts
Posted: 6/27/07
Team members from First Baptist in Memphis conducted Vacation Bible School at Sparks Colonia as part of KidsHeart El Paso. (Photos by Jenny Pope/Buckner) KidsHeart volunteers say God worked
miracles with Kool-Aid and craftsBy Whitney Farr
Communications Intern
EL PASO—As Hubert Jones and his missions team entered the impoverished Sparks Colonia on the outskirts of El Paso, he questioned whether the church group could make an impact.
But as he mentally began to list all his inadequacies, a group of small children behind him started to sing, “My God is so big, so strong and so mighty, there’s nothing my God cannot do.”
The kids in colonias near Fort Hancock were all smiles as they recieved their new shoes, donated by Buckner International's Shoes for Orphan Souls, and ate hotdogs with the volunteers. 06/27/2007 - By John Rutledge
Anti-Muslim bias skyrocketed in U.S. in 2006, report claims
Posted: 6/26/07
Anti-Muslim bias skyrocketed
in U.S. in 2006, report claimsBy Robert Marus
ABP Washington Bureau
WASHINGTON (ABP)—Complaints of anti-Muslim bias in the United States shot up by 25 percent in 2006 as compared to the previous year, according to an annual report by an Islamic group.
The annual report of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, titled “Presumption of Guilt: the Status of Muslim Civil Rights in the United States,” said government acts accounted for much of the increase in reports of discrimination and bias.
06/25/2007 - By John Rutledge
REBUILDING LIVES: Abilene church renovates home, touches family
Posted: 6/22/07
Volunteers from Pioneer Drive Baptist Church in Abilene renovate the family home of a boy who was disabled after a fight in the church’s parking lot one year ago. (Photos courtesy of Pioneer Drive Baptist Church) REBUILDING LIVES:
Abilene church renovates home, touches familyBy George Henson
Staff Writer
ABILENE—A home renovation cannot come close to repairing the damage done in a young boy’s life, but it has allowed his family to see the love of Christ through the kindness of members of Pioneer Drive Baptist Church in Abilene.
Last summer, a 12-year-old boy—small for his age—was challenged to fight by a much bigger boy late at night in the church’s parking lot. Other children who were present report the younger boy refused and turned away to leave. Reports say the larger boy spun him around and hit him one time in the chest.
06/22/2007 - By John Rutledge
Honduran boy âcomes homeâ to San Antonio family
Posted: 6/22/07
After Noelia and Allix Aguilar stood with 11-year-old Gabriel between them to make the “final vows” for adoption, Allix Aguilar leaned over and kissed the boy on the cheek as his wife wiped away tears. Honduran boy ‘comes home’ to San Antonio family
By Craig Bird
Baptist Child & Family Services
AN ANTONIO—The judges dressed in neon-hued robes, mothers and children carried roses, and everybody wore smiles for the “mass adoption” at the Bexar County courthouse.
“Usually these are held in a courtroom, but we have so many adoptions to approve today that we had to borrow the jury selection room to get all of us in,” explained Judge Richard Garcia as he greeting several hundred people crowded into the basement room.
06/22/2007 - By John Rutledge