2007 Archives
Accrediting association reprimands Criswell College due to finances
Posted: 7/06/07
Accrediting association reprimands
Criswell College due to financesBy Robert Marus
Associated Baptist Press
DALLAS (ABP)—A Bible college with close ties to the Southern Baptist fundamentalist movement is in danger of losing its accreditation due to financial problems.
The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools announced June 28 on its website that it had placed Criswell College on a one-year probation period. The news was publicized July 5 by the Dallas Morning News and SBC Outpost, a blog run by several Southern Baptist pastors disgruntled with the denomination’s leadership.
The Criswell College campus is located near downtown Dallas. 07/06/2007 - By John Rutledge
Hispanic Convention to build homes for retired pastors
Posted: 6/28/07
Hispanic Convention to build
homes for retired pastorsBy John Hall
Texas Baptist Convention
AUSTIN—The Hispanic Baptist Convention of Texas is launching an effort to build homes for retired pastors.
During its annual meeting, the convention passed a motion to create a network of construction teams that would help build homes for retired pastors. The network will be divided into three groups—one that raises money to buy materials, one that builds homes and one that identifies candidates for houses.
President Baldemar Borrego addresses the Hispanic Baptist Convention of Texas at their annual meeting in Austin. 07/05/2007 - By John Rutledge
CBF considers UN campaign to fight poverty, hunger & disease
Posted: 7/03/07
CBF considers UN campaign
to fight poverty, hunger & diseaseBy Greg Warner & Matt Kennedy
Associated Baptist Press
WASHINGTON (ABP)—The Cooperative Baptist Fellowship at its general assembly took the first step toward joining the United Nations’ campaign against global poverty and disease, called the Millennium Development goals.
In a break from business-as-usual during the Fellowship’s national meeting, participants voted overwhelmingly to instruct their governing body to consider ways CBF can join other Christian groups to reach the United Nations’ Millennium Development goals.
07/03/2007 - By John Rutledge
Rockwall prayer advocate feels drawn to West Africa
Posted: 6/29/07
Lebou students listen to the story of Noah during an after school Vacation Bible School type program. Rockwall prayer advocate
feels drawn to West AfricaBy Jesse Lyautey
International Mission Board
DAKAR, Senegal—Each summer for the past eight years, Lance Bedford has walked the beaches of Africa’s westernmost point.
He watches his step to avoid sharp objects, trash or fish heads thrown from the boats lining the beach after the day’s haul. But Bedford really watches the people, the Lebou fisherman of Senegal, and prays they will have an openness to hear the gospel. They are the reason he returns, year after year.
Cal MaCintire (left) and Lance Bedford (center) prepare a meal for Lebou believers during a worship gathering. 06/29/2007 - By John Rutledge