2007 Archives
Drake wonât repeat as SBC 2nd VP; wonât rule out higher office
Posted: 5/27/07
Drake won’t repeat as SBC 2nd VP;
won’t rule out higher officeBy Hannah Elliott
Associated Baptist Press
BUENA PARK, Calif. (ABP)—Wiley Drake, the Los Angeles-area pastor, radio crusader and Southern Baptist Convention gadfly, has announced he will not allow himself to be nominated for a second term as second vice president of the convention.
The convention will meet June 12-13 in San Antonio.
SBC Vice President Wiley Drake broacasts his daily radio show from his cell phone in Buena Park, Calif. (ABP photo by Greg Warner) 08/16/2007 - By John Rutledge
KidsHeart builds relationships, grows churches
Posted: 8/10/07
Pastor Ismael Garcia, second from right, pushes The Church at Canyon Creek's van out of the mud. The team from Canyon Creek was leaving to pick up children for Vacation Bible School at Iglesia Bautista Sublime Gracia in Progreso, part of KidsHeart missions week in the Rio Grande Valley. (Photos by Russ Dilday/Buckner) KidsHeart builds relationships, grows churches
By Jenny Pope
Buckner International
PROGRESO—Pastor Ismael Gaspar dug his heels in the mud as the church van’s tires spun with no avail. The KidsHeart mission team from The Church at Canyon Creek, Austin, was stuck.
It took nearly an hour of pushing, spinning and sliding through Iglesia Bautista Sublime Gracia’s muddy parking lot—caused by several days of unusual Valley thunderstorms—before the van was finally released.
08/16/2007 - By John Rutledge
Explore the Bible Series for August 26: Trusting the God of justice
Posted: 8/15/07
Explore the Bible Series for August 26
Trusting the God of justice
• Malachi 2:17-4:6
First Baptist Church, Duncanville
You know you’ve thought it. It’s the age-old question that haunts us at the end of the day. But Malachi says we have “wearied the Lord” with our words (2:17).
08/15/2007 - By John Rutledge
East Texas volunteer warms heartsâand headsâof Moldovan orphans
Posted: 8/13/07
East Texas volunteer warms hearts
—and heads—of Moldovan orphansBy Whitney Farr
Communications Intern
TYLER—Beth Rowley has knit 100 wool stocking caps. Only 2,900 left to go.
Mrs. Rowley isn’t shooting for the Guinness Book of World Records, but she is working overtime to make 3,000 wool hats for orphaned children in Moldova before the next snowfall.
Beth Rowley of Tyler is using her knitting machine to make thousands of caps for orphans in Moldova. 08/13/2007 - By John Rutledge
Academy’s centennial focuses on future
Posted: 8/10/07
Academy's centennial focuses on future
By George Henson
Staff Writer
SAN MARCOS—San Marcos Academy is celebrating its centennial this year with a glance at the past but with the future firmly in sight.
The centennial celebration theme is 100 Years of Light, Academy President Victor Schmidt noted.
San Marcos Academy President Victor Schmidt stands beside the future site of an alumni plaza on the San Marcos campus. (Photo by George Henson) 08/10/2007 - By John Rutledge
Northeast Texas churches provide medical missions in Guatemala
Posted: 8/10/07
Northeast Texas churches provide
medical missions in GuatemalaBy Rebekah Hardage
Communications Intern
MOUNT PLEASANT—A team of volunteer missionaries from First Baptist Church in Mount Pleasant and First Baptist Church in Texarkana traveled to Guatemala this summer to offer general medical assistance, perform surgeries and share the gospel.
Gerald Stagg, a pediatrician in Mount Pleasant, and his family went on a similar trip last year with the Texarkana church.
Gerald Stagg, a pediatrician from Mount Pleasant, helped care for many adults during a volunteer medical mission to Guatemala. 08/10/2007 - By John Rutledge
Cowboy church moves from horse trough to lake for baptism
Posted: 8/10/07
Pastor Gary Morgan from the Cowboy Church of Ellis County baptizes a new convert. In the background are some of the several hundred people from the church who came to the baptismal service at Lake Waxahachie. (Photo by Toby Druin) Cowboy church moves from
horse trough to lake for baptismBy Toby Druin
Editor Emeritus
WAXAHACHIE—The Cowboy Church of Ellis County baptized 64 new converts at Lake Waxahachie July 29.
Pastor Gary Morgan performed the baptisms, assisted by several lay pastors and elders from the church.
08/10/2007 - By John Rutledge
Summit at DBU offers help for childrenâs ministers
Posted: 8/10/07
Tommy Sanders, director of the master’s-level program in childhood ministry at Dallas Baptist University, leads a conference during the recent Childhood Ministry Summit at DBU. (Photo by Whitney Farr) Summit at DBU offers help
for children’s ministersBy Whitney Farr
Communications Intern
DALLAS—It’s what all Baptist churches should have—potluck dinners, ice cream socials, Sunday school parties…and Bar Mitzvahs?
Veteran children’s minister Tommy Sanders, now director of the graduate program in childhood ministry at Dallas Baptist University, believes Baptist Bar Mitzvahs are just what pre-teens need to help provide special attention during the transition from adolescence to young-adulthood.
08/10/2007 - By John Rutledge