2007 Archives
Explore the Bible Series for September 9: Godâs sinless son
Posted: 8/29/07
Explore the Bible Series for September 9
God’s sinless son
• Matthew 3:1-4:16
Hardin-Simmons University, Abilene
“A voice of one calling: ‘In the desert prepare the way for the Lord; make straight in the wilderness a highway for our God’” (Isaiah 40:3). Matthew, Mark and Luke each use this well-known verse to introduce John the Baptist and the story of the baptism of Jesus. In order to understand the significance of this verse for Jesus’ baptism and the beginning of his ministry, the words of the voice crying out in Isaiah should receive close attention.
08/29/2007 - By John Rutledge
Hardin-Simmons pulls out of magazineâs ranking race
Posted: 8/28/07
Hardin-Simmons pulls out
of magazine’s ranking raceBy Ken Camp
Managing Editor
ABILENE—Hardin-Simmons University has announced it no longer will participate in surveys conducted by U.S. News & World Report for its annual list of “America’s best colleges”—even though it has advanced in the rankings and been named a tier-one school in its division five consecutive years.
The Abilene university joined more than 60 schools nationwide that have disengaged from the magazine’s ranking race.
08/28/2007 - By John Rutledge
Wayland athletes share basketball tips, gospel message in Europe
Posted: 8/24/07
Wayland Baptist University Pioneers basketball player Michal Polanowski is interviewed by members of the media in his home town of Konin, Poland. Polanowski and members of the Pioneers traveled to Europe this summer to work with Athletes in Action. (Photos courtesy of Wayland Baptist University) Wayland athletes share basketball
tips, gospel message in EuropeBy Jonathan Petty
Wayland Baptist University
VILNIUS, Lithuania—Wayland Baptist University’s Pioneers basketball team took time out this summer to spread the gospel—and teach basketball skills—to young people in Lithuania and Poland.
Five Pioneers team members—Danny Storey, Michal Polanowski, Zach TeGrotenhuis, Lee Berend and Jason Griffin—joined Head Coach Robert Davenport and Assistant Coach Quinn Wooldridge in leading a weeklong basketball camp in Vilnius, Lithuania.
Wayland Baptist University Pioneer Danny Storey of Canyon talks with a group of young men during a basketball camp in Vilnius, Lithuania. Storey and the Pioneers led a weeklong camp in conjunction with Athletes in Action. 08/27/2007 - By John Rutledge
Irving church becomes missions learning lab for students
Posted: 8/24/07
Irving church becomes missions
learning lab for studentsBy Leann Callaway
Special to the Baptist Standard
IRVING—Oak View Baptist Church in Irving became a learning lab for seven student missionaries this summer.
Five of the workers served two weeks at Oak View before departing for assignments in the Middle East and Canada through the Baptist General Convention of Texas Go Now Missions program.
Student missionaries Melanie Vasquez from Wayland Baptist University, Maria Spellings from East Texas Baptist University and Laura Garcia from Kingwood College are pictured with children at a Kid’s Club. (Photos courtesy of Oak View Baptist Church) 08/24/2007 - By John Rutledge
Discipline-specific missions help Baylor students apply learning to life
Posted: 8/24/07
Kelsey Simons, a Baylor University nursing student, helps provide a basic medical exam during a mission trip to Mexico. (Photos courtesy of Baylor University) Discipline-specific missions help
Baylor students apply learning to lifeBy Ashley Lintelman
Baylor University
About 125 Baylor University students joined faculty and staff in missions projects to meet needs in Armenia, Honduras, Kenya and Mexico.
Coordinated by University Missions, Baylor’s Louise Herrington School of Nursing and Baptist Student Ministries, each trip offered students hands-on learning and mission opportunities.
A Kenyan student draws a picture of his “Teacher Tiffani.” 08/24/2007 - By John Rutledge
Summer missions moves UMHB students out of âcomfort zonesâ
Posted: 8/24/07
Kristin Bauer, a junior early childhood major from San Antonio, learned about fellowship and made some new friends within the church in Wolfenbuttel, Germany, while she ministered among youth in that city. (Photos by Kristin Bauer/UMHB) Summer missions moves UMHB
students out of ‘comfort zones’By Jennifer Sicking
University of Mary Hardin-Baylor
BELTON—Summer Caniglia heard stories about missionaries who spent years in Japan and never saw anyone come to faith in Christ. So, she was warned not to expect to see great results during her summer missions internship in Tokyo.
“In Japan, I had expectations that it would be hard—that there would not be any fruit,” she said.
08/24/2007 - By John Rutledge
ETBU students, alum teach summer classes in India
Posted: 8/24/07
Meagan Marshall and Sheryl Breeden share a story with students. Marshall, a graduate of East Texas Baptist University, and Breeden, scheduled to graduate from ETBU in December, spent a month teaching at Adarsh Vidalaya Matriculation School in Kaydam, Tamil Nadu, India. (Photos courtesy of ETBU) ETBU students, alum teach
summer classes in IndiaBy Jeanie Pinkston
East Texas Baptist University
Some teachers jokingly say the three best things about their profession are June, July and August. An education student from East Texas Baptist University and two ETBU alumni agree with the punch line—but not for the usual reason.
Student Sheryl Breeden and 2006 graduates Megan Marshall and Ashley Causey spent their summer vacation teaching underprivileged children in southern India.
08/24/2007 - By John Rutledge
The death of a Lubbock church sparks new life
Posted: 8/24/07
The death of a Lubbock church sparks new life
By Jessica Dooley
Communications Intern
LUBBOCK—As deacons carried a casket out the sanctuary doors, worshippers marked the death of Trinity Baptist Church in Lubbock and the birth of The Family Church @ 34th and Boston.
When Pastor Dan Reynolds arrived at Trinity Baptist Church in June, he and the congregation agreed to start a new church in the declining church’s facilities.
Pallbearers carry away a casket bearing the bylaws for Trinity Baptist Church in Lubbock at a service marking the demise of that church and the birth of The Family Church @ 34th and Boston. 08/24/2007 - By John Rutledge