2007 Archives
Cybercolumn by Berry D. Simpson: All my strength
Posted: 10/26/07
All my strengthBy Berry Simpson
Since last spring, I’ve been walking every day for an hour, instead of running, hoping to let my left knee heal a bit more. My goal was to keep walking until I got my weight down to 190 pounds, and then start running again as a new, lighter, more nimble Berry. Through the hot summer months, I put in lots of miles walking in the neighborhoods around Cowden Park.
I did drop about 10 pounds during the summer, putting me consistently in the “1’s” instead of the “2’s,” so that was good. But my knee felt the same all summer long: it never got better, and it never got worse.
Berry D. Simpson During a Labor Day backpacking trip into the Guadalupes, I was confronted with the flaw in my plan. Walking had kept my legs strong, and lifting weights kept my upper body strong enough to carry a 68-pound pack up to Pine Top, but walking didn’t do anything for my lungs. On the hike up to Pine Top, I had to stop too often to catch my breath. I was surprised how short-winded I’d become.
So why was I walking so much was the question I couldn’t’ answer. My knee felt the same, and I was losing fitness.
10/26/2007 - By John Rutledge
Explore the Bible Series for November 4: A caring community
Explore the Bible Series for November 4
A caring community
• Matthew 18:1-35
Hardin-Simmons University, Abilene
Forgiveness is essential for any relationship. Without it, genuine reconciliation is impossible; and without mercy and grace, genuine forgiveness is impossible. Much of our lives are spent either granting forgiveness or asking for it. What is your response to others when they wrong you?
10/26/2007 - By John Rutledge
Around the State
Posted: 10/19/07
Dallas Baptist University professor of missions Bob Garrett led a prayer for safety, wisdom and stamina for Baptist World Alliance General Secretary Neville Callam during his visit to Dallas Baptist University as Dallas-area Baptist leaders gathered in prayer around him. Callam visited the campus as part of a multi-city tour he is undertaking to meet various BWA supporters in the United States. Callam addressed students during a chapel service and attended a luncheon in his honor. Around the State
• East Texas Baptist University will hold homecoming activities Oct. 24-28. The theme for this year will be “Fiesta de la Familia—Celebrating the Family.” There will be a number of special events including Saturday’s homecoming parade at 10:30 a.m. and the 1 p.m. kickoff of the football game versus Mississippi College. For more information, call (903) 923-2041.
• A children’s gala will be held Oct. 27 from 4:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the Cameron County Fairgrounds in San Benito to benefit Valley children through a pediatric emergency department at Valley Baptist Medical Center-Harlingen and the renovation of the pediatric unit at Valley Baptist in Brownsville. The family event will include a mini-rodeo, pony rides, petting zoo, a mechanical bull, music by the Texas Drifters, a dinner, live auction and a raffle. For tickets or more information, call (956) 389-1614.
Counting the Texas World Hunger Offering for Adamsville Church in Lampasas are Janice Hartley, left, and Treasurer Wanda Lang. The congregation collected $1,157 in plastic rice bowls, surpassing the $800 goal set by the church’s Women on Mission group. The amount was the most ever collected by the church for the hunger offering. Glynn Tyson is pastor. • Howard Payne University will induct three alumni into its sports hall of fame during homecoming activities Oct. 27 at 7:30 p.m. They include L.J. Clayton, a football player who went on to play in the Canadian Football League; David Gilger, who played both offense and defense for the 1956-60 football teams; and Dale Fisher, who played on the 1957-61 football teams.
• B.H. Carroll Theological Institute will hold its fall colloquy Nov. 26-27 at First Church in Arlington. Richard Swinburne will be the guest lecturer with “Is There a God?” as his theme. For registration costs and other information, call (817) 274-4284.
10/19/2007 - By John Rutledge
BGCT annual meeting slated to feature Rick Warren, historic presidential election
Posted: 10/19/07
BGCT annual meeting slated to feature Rick Warren, historic presidential election
By John Hall
Texas Baptist Communications
The Baptist General Convention of Texas annual meeting will feature Pastor Rick Warren and a historic presidential election as messengers elect either the first female BGCT president or the first second-generation BGCT president.
The meeting, themed “Together We Can Do More— Missions,” will be held Oct. 29-30 at the Amarillo Civic Center.
10/19/2007 - By John Rutledge
Baptist Briefs
Posted: 10/19/07
Baptist Briefs
Baptist Joint Committee looks for new property. Directors of the Baptist Joint Committee on Religious Liberty voted recently to engage a real-estate agent to identify property for the agency to purchase and renovate. The planned Center for Religious Liberty will provide offices, research space for visiting scholars, meeting space for legislative coalition partners and a training center. For decades, the Baptist Joint Committee has used a rented office suite on Capitol Hill in the Veterans of Foreign Wars building. Rent for the space has comprised more than 10 percent of the group’s annual budget in recent years.
Missouri Baptists join BJC. Directors of the Baptist Joint Committee on Religious Liberty voted to accept the Baptist General Convention of Missouri as a member organization. The statewide body—formed in 2001 as an alternative to the fundamentalist-controlled Missouri Baptist Convention—joins 14 other national and regional Baptist groups that support the BJC, including the Baptist General Convention of Texas. BJC directors also approved a $1.2 million budget for 2008, a slight increase over the 2007 budget of $1.15 million.
10/19/2007 - By John Rutledge