2007 Archives
Nigeria mission trip takes volunteer far outside her comfort zone
Posted: 11/09/07
Nigeria mission trip takes volunteer
far outside her comfort zoneBy Craig Bird
Baptist Child & Family Services
KINGWOOD—Paige Maupin played the numbers—10 days, 6,500 miles one way, 800 patients, 24 professions of faith, two remote villages and one life changed forever—her own.
Maupin, a member of First Baptist Church of Kingwood, near Houston, joined a recent Children’s Emergency Relief International medical missions team to Nigeria. The trans-Atlantic journey challenged her, since she can “count on the fingers of one hand” the number of times she has flown on an airplane and had “never imagined going to another country to serve God,” even for a few days, she said.
Paige Maupin struggled for a year before getting out of her comfort zone to go on a mission trip to Nigeria that she says changed her life forever. (CERI photos) 11/09/2007 - By John Rutledge
Buckner volunteers help Valley woman receive dying wish
Posted: 11/09/07
Juvencio and Martina Garcia and youngest son, Marcos, 2, survey the construction of their new home. (Photos by Analiz Gonzalez/Buckner) Buckner volunteers help
Valley woman receive dying wishBy Analiz González
Buckner International
ELSA—Martina García wanted to live, and she asked God for life. But if she couldn’t have that, she made one request—that God would give her family a home.
For 12 years the García family lived in a bus in Elsa, a small community northeast of McAllen. When they moved in, there was no electricity or water. They had to go to a friend’s house to shower and cool off from the South Texas heat. Then they carried back buckets to wash clothes and dirty dishes.
The bus where the Garcias lived before their house was completed. 11/09/2007 - By John Rutledge
Laura Bush affirms faith-based youth programs
Posted: 11/09/07
Laura Bush affirms faith-based youth programs
By John Hall
Texas Baptist Communications
DALLAS—First Lady Laura Bush urged Americans to engage and encourage young people in the United States during a regional Helping America’s Youth conference held at Dallas Baptist University.
Saying today’s youth face more challenges than previous generations, Bush called the country’s adults to provide positive examples for youth.
First Lady Laura Bush urged Americans to engage and encourage the country’s youth during a regional Helping America’s Youth conference held at Dallas Baptist University. (Photo courtesy of DBU) 11/09/2007 - By John Rutledge
Explore the Bible Series for November11: The call to be Jesus
Explore the Bible Series for November 11
The call to be Jesus
• Matthew 19:1-15
Hardin-Simmons University, Abilene
A couple of years ago, I received a phone call late Friday afternoon, before leaving from work to head home for the weekend. It was a friend from church.
11/08/2007 - By John Rutledge
IMB trustees censure Burleson, bar him from board activities
Posted: 11/08/07
IMB trustees censure Burleson,
bar him from board activitiesBy Robert Marus
Associated Baptist Press
SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (ABP)—In a rare move, trustees of a Southern Baptist Convention agency voted to censure one of their own and effectively bar him from carrying out the duties of his office.
However, reform-minded Oklahoma pastor Wade Burleson has vowed to continue doing the job to which his fellow Southern Baptists elected him. And he defended his right to dissent, saying he will continue to offer a respectful critique of some International Mission Board policies.
IMB trustee chairman John Floyd (right) talks with trustee Wade Burleson after the board's meeting in Springfield, Ill., Nov. 7. Trustees voted in executive session to censure Burleson and suspend him from four meetings for violations of the trustee code of conduct. (BP Photo) 11/08/2007 - By John Rutledge
First woman BGCT president elected, budget approved
Updated: 11/02/07
Messengers to the Baptist General Convention of Texas annual meeting vote by raising their ballot packets. (PHOTO/Robert Rogers/Baylor University) First woman BGCT president
elected, budget approvedBy Ken Camp
Managing Editor
MARILLO—Messengers to the Baptist General Conven-tion of Texas annual meeting narrowly elected the first woman president of the state convention—and continued a two-decade string of officers endorsed by the moderate Texas Baptists Committed organization.
By about a two-to-one margin, messengers approved a $50.1 million Cooperative Program budget, and they overwhelmingly rebuffed a move to consider a “no-confidence” vote in the BGCT Executive Board. They also approved creation of a committee to recommend a “shared vision” for the convention—but without the 2008 completion deadline or the 2020 target goal proposed by the original maker of the motion.
Joy Fenner presides over a session of the Baptist General Convention of Texas annual meeting in her capacity as first vice president. She was elected the convention’s first female president in Amarillo. (PHOTO/Robert Rogers/Baylor University) 11/04/2007 - By John Rutledge