2007 Archives
Community service makes impact on teens’ faith development
Posted: 2/09/07
Community service makes impact
on teens' faith development
By Ken Camp
Managing Editor
WACO—Serving meals to homeless people at a church-sponsored shelter can have a greater impact than sitting in a pew every Sunday morning on how a teenager’s faith develops, a new study has concluded.
“Involvement in community service is far more significant to the faith development of teens than involvement in worship,” said Michael Sherr, assistant professor in the School of Social Work at Baylor University.
02/09/2007 - By John Rutledge
Healthy families bring others closer to Christ
Posted: 2/09/07
Cesar Gabriel, pastor of Iglesia Bautista Trinidad in Laredo, holds his son during the Hispanic Evangelism Conference. Healthy families bring others closer to Christ
By John Hall
Texas Baptist Communications
SAN ANTONIO—The peace Christ offers draws people to him—if they aren’t driven away by the conflict in Christians’ lives, David Hormachea, host of the Vision Para Vivir media ministry, told participants at the Hispanic Evangelism Conference.
Non-Christians want the peace and joy Christ offers through a relationship with him, but sometimes they are turned off when they look at the family lives of people who call themselves Christians, Hormachea told the conference, sponsored by the Baptist General Convention of Texas. They see broken families, divorced spouses and fighting children and wonder how powerful the gospel can be, he added.
A member of the praise team from South San Fildelfia Baptist Church in San Antonio sings during the Hispanic Evangelism Conference. 02/09/2007 - By John Rutledge
Sale of lottery doesnât add up, gambling opponents insist
Posted: 2/09/07
Sale of lottery doesn’t add up,
gambling opponents insist
By John Hall
Texas Baptist Communications
AUSTIN—Gov. Rick Perry’s proposal to sell the lottery just doesn’t add up, according to Texas Baptist gambling opponents.
Suzii Paynter, director of the Texas Christian Life Commission, and Weston Ware, legislative spokesman for Texans Against Gambling, are two of many bipartisan leaders who questions Perry’s logic in wanting to sell the lottery to a private group a year after the lottery recorded its highest sales and when the state has a $14 billion surplus.
02/09/2007 - By John Rutledge
Aggies in New Orleans see big picture of Godâs work
Posted: 2/09/07
Meaghan Gasch from First Baptist Church in College Station cuts brush with a chainsaw. (Photos courtesy of Expression Ministry at First Baptist Church in College Station) Aggies in New Orleans see
big picture of God’s workBy Marilyn Stewart
Louisiana Baptist Convention
NEW ORLEANS—Texas A&M University students from First Baptist Church of College Station see their part in rebuilding New Orleans much like the inner workings of the engineering systems they study—a small component in the larger machine that God is operating in New Orleans.
“We came to do whatever we could in four days,” recent A&M graduate Emily Guevara said. “Knowing that others will come behind us and continue the work makes us know that this is not about us; it’s about what God is doing.”
Ryan Plesko from First Baptist Church in College Station installs an interior frame. 02/09/2007 - By John Rutledge