BGCT takes decisive action to prevent future abuses

Updated: 3/02/07

BGCT implements responses
to church-starting scandal

By Marv Knox


DALLAS—The Baptist General Convention of Texas has implemented steps to prevent recurrence of a church-starting scandal that rocked the convention last year, a special study committee told the BGCT Executive Board Feb. 26.

Still, follow-up action is needed to complete the prevention process, the committee added, noting vigilance will be required to ensure that new church-starting policies are effective and secure.

Oversight group Chairman Jim Nelson.

The committee’s report followed in the wake of a scandal uncovered by outside investigators last year. The Executive Board hired the investigators in May and received the investigators’ report in a called meeting at the end of October.

That 42-page report revealed the BGCT had spent $1.3 million to start 258 churches in the Rio Grande Valley over a six-year period, but only five churches remained. Some of the supposed starts were “phantom churches” that never existed, it said.

The report cast a shadow on three Valley pastors—Otto Arango, Aaron de la Torre and Armando Vera—who led the churches that sponsored the alleged new congregations. It described how at least some of the $1.3 million had been misappropriated for other purposes.

See complete list of Valley funds scandal articles

The report also demonstrated how weaknesses in the Executive Board’s church-starting system—specifically lax oversight, suspended policies, and complex tracking and accounting systems—enabled the scandal.

Two weeks after it received the report, the Executive Board met in another called session to chart a course correction. The board approved five motions designed to clean up the scandal and prevent future problems.

The first motion called for implementing seven recommendations suggested by the outside investigators. It instructed Executive Board Chairman Bob Fowler to appoint an oversight group to “closely monitor the timely implementation of thse recommendations”

Jim Nelson, an Austin attorney, chaired that oversight group and presented a six-page report on its findings.

The oversight group believes Executive Board Executive Director Charles Wade and the board’s staff have worked very hard “to ensure what has happened won’t happen again,” Nelson told the board.

Executive Board member Helen Price.

He guided the board through the oversight report. The central feature is a step-by-step evaluation of responses to the outside investigators’ seven recommendations:

• “The guidelines for church starting should be reviewed and revised.”

New church-starting guidelines have been developed, Nelson announced. The board received them the following morning

“The oversight group thinks that the guidelines, when adopted, will provide the basis for accountability of all parties and for protection of the tithes and offerings of Texas Baptists being used for church starts,” Nelson added, reading from the report.

“This, of course, will be the case only as far as these procedures are followed and adhered to. Especially important here is that there be no relaxation of the policies and standards. The staff has incorporated that into its procedures.”

The oversight group urged the Executive Board’s missions funding group to maintain consistent review of the church-starting process, insisting on “compliance with all rules and guidelines.”

• “More accurate and accessible mortality rates are needed.”

“Mortality rates” assess how many church starts succeed versus how many fail. This material was “difficult and cumbersome to retrieve from the BGCT’s system,” the oversight group reported.

BGCT President Steve Vernon.

Executive Board staff recognized this problem and started trying to improve the system even before the investigators began their work, but a new and improved system was not in place at the time, the oversight group’s report stated.

“Implementation of this recommendation is complete,” the report noted, stressing that “futher tracking of this system is essential.”

• “Record keeping needs to be integrated and coordinated.”

Investigators complained the Executive Board’s record-keeping system, which could assign as many as three tracking numbers to a single church, impeded their investigation. More importantly, it prevented convention leaders from receiving meaningful data on which to base decisions, they added.

A new system to integrate records has been put in place, and “final integration” is expected by April 1, the oversight group said.

• “Better internal controls are needed.”

Procedural changes have been made to control how church-starting funds are issued and to document use of the money, the oversight group noted, adding the entire process is expected to be completed before the Executive Board’s next meeting, May 21-22.

• “Accounting design and control of reporting system.”

This correction is intended to provide the Executive Board’s accounting office control over documentation of funds, as well as how funding is processed and delivered.

This new system is in place, Nelson said. “That’s not to say fine adjustments won’t be needed,” he added, noting improvements in the system can be made incrementally as needs arise.

• “Response to allegations must be immediate.”

“The staff wants this. The staff is more anxious for this to be implemented than is the board,” Nelson said.

The oversight group reinforced that imperative in its report, stating, “The staff itself is bound with the responsibility to begin immediately upon notice to address and solve any problem creating the allegation.”

Implementation of an internal auditor should enable rapid response to allegations, and that process is being guided by the board’s audit committee.

In addition, the board’s staff is investigating an online “whistleblower” service that would enable Executive Board employees to register concerns anonymously.

• “Trust, but verify.”

The oversight group’s report noted implementation of the investigators’ recommendations “will make great strides in the mechanical and process operations” of verifying that church-starting guidelines are followed.

“Relying on trust is extremely important in the work of the kingdom, and such work is so important that it (must) be accompanied by monitoring, documenting and control,” the oversight group’s report stressed. “The key here is accountability, and the oversight group is confident the staff is committed to fostering a culture of accountability.”

The second motion approved in November called for raising the Executive Board’s church-starting guidelines to policy level. The motion instructed staff to present the church-starting policies to the board’s missions and ministries committee.

The oversight group noted the Executive Board’s staff had started this process prior to the Valley investigation. New church-starting policies were presented to the committee in December and were unveiled and discussed at the board’s February meeting.

The third motion called for creating “an internal audit function that will report to the audit committee.”

The oversight group noted the board’s audit committee previously began a process of creating such a function. During the meeting, the audit committee provided an update on progress in putting an internal auditor in place.

The audit committee is leading a risk-assessment process, which should be completed later this spring, reported Harold Richardson of Tyler, chairman of that committee.

Originally, the committee thought outsourcing would be the best approach to handling this ongoing audit function, Richardson said. But cost estimates are high, and the committee is considering other options, such as a staff auditor.

“We believe we can take care of 2007, and we will continue to study the feasibility of finding an individual to come on board,” he said.

“These actions are in full compliance with the motion,” the oversight group reported.

The fourth motion directed the board’s executive director, in consultation with legal counsel as well as convention and board officers, to consider “the full range of methods for recovery of funds misused or misappropriated” by the individuals mentioned in the investigators’ report, and to initiate appropriate actions to recover the funds.

Nelson and Wade reported that convention leaders, both staff and elected officers, had met with the three pastors identified in the investigators’ report.

“In each case, we expressed our sorrow and our request that they would make restitution,” Wade said, noting each meeting also included prayer.

In two of the three cases, convention leaders and the pastors agreed to try to continue talking about the situation, Wade said. In the third case, the pastor’s attorney instructed the convention not to contact his client directly.

Convention leaders “have taken every action they have been advised to take,” the oversight group reported.

The situation is complicated, because legal civil proceedings can be complex, tedious and time-consuming, Nelson told the board.

Discussion about the proceedings illustrated that complexity. In the middle of questions regarding the fourth motion on the possibility of civil lawsuits, a board member inquired about progress on the fifth motion—that the investigators’ findings might be reported “to any appropriate government investigatory agency” for possible criminal action.

Nelson explained legal actions of either nature—criminal or civil—could impact each other. So, the convention’s staff and officers, as well as the board, would need to be deliberate and paitent.

Steve Wakefield, the Executive Board’s attorney, confirmed documents prepared by the investigators have been turned over to the U.S. attorney’s office in Brownsville. This step would comply with the fifth motion, seeking criminal charges.

“We’re waiting on the U.S. prosecutor in Brownsville to decide whether to go forward” with criminal charges, Wakefield said. “We have not received word” on that decision, but he is remaining in “continual contact” with the prosecutor’s office, he added.

Executive Board Chairman Fowler praised both the staff and the oversight group. “They were very diligent in their work,” he said.

Wade also commended the oversight group. “I’m pleased the committee worked so thoroughly and diligently and were so personally invested in their work,” he said. “I’m grateful they affirmed the work of the staff, who worked so faithfully to implement the assignment.”

Fowler asked the staff to provide a full report on progress, which will be available before the Executive Board’s May meeting. He pledged the board would continue to monitor the issue.

News of religion, faith, missions, Bible study and Christian ministry among Baptist churches, in Texas, the BGCT, the nation and around the world.

Board clarifies its responsibilities, messengers’ rights

Updated: 3/02/07

Board clarifies its responsibilities,
messengers’ rights

By Marv Knox


DALLAS—Messengers to Baptist General Convention of Texas annual meetings never again will be told the convention’s Executive Board has “preempted” their authority, if the board has its way.

During its winter meeting Feb. 26-27, the Executive Board approved two documents—a proposed constitutional amendment and a “statement of understanding”—to clarify messengers’ ultimate authority and the board’s responsibility.

Executive Director Charles Wade

The Executive Board’s actions grew out of a controversial parliamentary ruling during the BGCT annual meeting last November in Dallas.

See complete list of Valley funds scandal articles

Immediately prior to that annual meeting, the Executive Board met in closed session to formulate its response to an investigation of misappropriated church-starting funds in the Rio Grande Valley. As part of that response, the board directed its executive director, in consultation with attorneys, to evaluate whether to present findings of the convention’s investigation into the scandal “to any appropriate government investigatory agency.”

During the annual meeting, a messenger offered a motion that would have instructed the Executive Board to turn its findings over to the FBI.

Reading from a ruling drafted by parliamentarian Bart Tichenor, BGCT President Michael Bell ruled the motion out of order. The ruling reasoned the Executive Board’s prior action had “preempted any action by the convention.”

That ruling set off protests from across the convention, with Texas Baptists affirming the right of convention messengers—each elected by a local congregation—as the BGCT’s ultimate authority, especially when the annual meeting is in session.

Speaking to the Executive Board more than three months later, Charles Wade, the board’s executive director, called the ruling “a dagger to the heart” of many Texas Baptists.

“Baptists treasure the right of individual members to speak their convictions, both in the local church and at the annual meeting,” he said.

Wade proposed a three-page statement regarding the ruling, as well as a constitutional amendment, both designed to settle convention authority.

The constitutional amendment would create a new paragraph “A” in section 1 of article VII in the BGCT Constitution.

It states: “The Executive Board shall have charge and control, except when otherwise directed by the convention, of all the work of the convention, including missions, education and beneficence, in the interim between sessions.”

Executive Board members overwhelmingly ratified the amendment without debate. It will be presented to messengers to the BGCT annual meeting next November in Amarillo.

When the Executive Board considered Wade’s “statement of understanding,” board member Bruce Murray of Austin said: “What happened was like a shot heard around Texas. (But) this statement is too long; it needs to be cut.”

Several board members echoed Murray’s sentiments. They called for a one-page statement that clearly affirms messengers’ authority while detailing Executive Board responsibility.

A small group of board members and staff met after that session and later presented a one-page, four-paragraph “statement of understanding.” It reads:

“The Executive Board understands and confirms that it has always considered itself to be a ‘servant board.’ It understands that it exists to serve Texas Baptists, the churches and messengers to the convention’s annual meeting.

“This board understands that it has no power or authority except to the extent messengers have delegated it authority under the convention’s articles of incorporation, constitution and bylaws, and as the messengers may further direct it to act.

“This board recognizes that certain duties delegated to it by the convention and under its governing documents are so delegated because they can be handled by the board acting as a smaller body with more available time to consider and to act and, in some cases, with a greater degree of confidentiality, if appropriate.

“This board understands its role to be that of a steward. The Executive Board regrets the parliamentary ruling at the 2006 annual meeting. This board does not intend in any way for its actions prior to an annual meeting to ‘preempt’ the role of messengers. Rather, this board seeks to perform its duties faithfully between annual meetings.”

During discussion, board members repeatedly expressed their appreciation for the leadership and integrity of Bell, who was convention president last year and presided at the annual meeting.

In the closing moments of the meeting, the board ratified a resolution affirming Bell’s leadership, offered by Anthony Bruster of Texarkana.

The resolution states: “The Executive Board expresses its sincere appreciation to Michael Bell for his godly leadership and guidance, and the board is thankful for his service to this body and for his many significant contributions to the work of the Baptist General Convention of Texas.”

News of religion, faith, missions, Bible study and Christian ministry among Baptist churches, in Texas, the BGCT, the nation and around the world.

BaptistWay Bible Series for March 11: Christians are empowered to minister

Posted: 2/28/07

BaptistWay Bible Series for March 11

Christians are empowered to minister

• Acts 2:1-24

By Leroy Fenton

Baptist Standard, Dallas

The emotions of empathy and joy of seeing God’s Holy Spirit move in a congregational experience where lives are changed, marriages are mended and persons are brought from lostness into new life affirm the value of the gathered church in God’s plan of the redemption of our world.

Such victories are electrifying and transforming. Worshipping God in a place of gathered souls always has that possibility for sin to be confessed, forgiveness to be experienced and God’s will to be discovered. God’s empowering Spirit, like the unpredictability of the wind, can change any gathering of believers into a heaven-sent, Spirit-filled, supernatural experience.

From the mind of the Father, this infilling of and by the Spirit is a holy gift. The Spirit gives life, power and ignition to believers for the saving work of God. There are many personal powers, but the gift of the Holy Spirit is spiritual power, the greatest of them all. God’s Spirit of truth is the believer’s strength, comfort, advocate, teacher, reminder, boldness and oneness with the Father (John 14:15-31). Without the Spirit of God, the church will falter and fail in its mission of proclamation and lose its vision of purpose. With the Spirit of God, there is a new quality of life and work.

I accepted—hook, line and sinker—the typical Baptist polity of the autonomous local church under congregational governance with Christ as the head. The more I studied, the more I was convinced the people of God could best serve through the traditional local Baptist church with a leader called to be the pastor and a congregation who would be led of God, under their own priesthood, empowered by the Spirit to become and to produce what Christ expected the church to be and to do.

However, rather than changing the world, the church struggles for significance, depending on its own power and performance while maintaining a status quo and indulging in its own gratification.

Today, most of the churches of most evangelical mainstream denominations are plateaued or declining, often are controlled by leaders who give lip-service to the Great Commission, are more prone to build an institution than the kingdom of God, and filled with well-meaning people apathetic about human and spiritual needs.

God’s church often is sustained out of duty and from human ingenuity, experiencing the death of vibrancy and effectiveness. Churches make uninformed and uninspired decisions that concentrate on budgets, buildings and banquets rather than on the unsaved, the hurting needs of the community or the worldwide needs of missions. With buildings to maintain and programs to create, a congregation can care more about the way of worship than the work inspired by worship, more about attendance than attitude, more about themselves than others, more about the impression of a sermon than the inspiration of the Spirit, more about paying the mortgage than proclaiming the master.

When the church does its work in its own strength, it is afraid to confront the culture on the outside for fear of upsetting the traditions on the inside.

Faithless to a fault, the church converts to fear, and the building becomes a sanctuary from the challenges of the world. Worship, the means of beckoning the waiting Spirit of God, becomes an end within itself and the primary laurel leaf of service.

Without the Holy Spirit, worship is powerless and worshipers seldom respond with, “Here am I, send me” (Isaiah 6:8). Where there is no vision, selfishness and pettiness prevail, and people hold on to their possessions, hide their spiritual gifts, hype their personal authority, hand out anemic excuses and harbor hurts and hostilities.

Luke’s early history of the church in Acts, addressing the problems within the church, demonstrates the power of spirit-filled Christians as the gospel sweeps across land, oceans, nations, peoples and barriers to knock down the doors to hell and crush the head of Satan.

The anticipation

The gathered cadre of believers must have been seriously intent and excitedly expectant with anticipation, much, much more than children waiting for Christmas. Acts 1:12-26 invites us into the thinking process of these early believers as they obey the ascended Christ (v. 12). The place and people are identified (vv. 13-14), the unity is noted as the praying begins (v. 14), the leader surfaces (v. 15), the authority of Scripture and prophecy is acknowledged (vv. 16-20), and Matthias replaces Judas to bring the number of apostles to 12. It would seem that between the prayer sessions, the believers took care of business to prepare themselves for the mission ahead, depending entirely on the plan of their living Lord, promised in Joel (2:28ff), spoken of in Matthew (3:11-12) John (16:7), Luke (24:49) and Acts (1:4,5, 8)

The articulation

Concerning Pentecost, 2:1—Pentecost (meaning “50th”), often called the Feast of Weeks or the Feast of Harvest, coming 50 days after the Passover, was an appropriate symbol of the great harvest of people who would respond to the power of God and the preaching of Peter. Like the Passover, Pentecost would attract huge crowds of people tao Jerusalem as required, some of whom would have first-hand knowledge of the supernatural miracle of speech and experience conversion into this new spiritual kingdom of the resurrected Christ, the Son of the living God.

Luke simply says, “When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place,” assumed to be the upper room (2:1). “Together in one place” is more a physical reference of location rather than a reflection on unity of heart. We may assume those gathered were unified in prayer following the request of the risen Christ and asking for a revelation of God’s plan and power for the ages.

Concerning power, 2:2–4—Following the crucifixion and resurrection, both incredible adventures of faith, the phenomenon of Pentecost was astounding and breathtaking. The apostles had experienced the presence of the Holy Spirit but not the Spirit’s power. For example, John 20:22 tells us Jesus “breathed on them and said, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit.’”

What “suddenly” took place was not the beginning of the church but the empowering of the existing church to launch its mission to the ”uttermost parts of the earth,” a new phase in God’s eternal plan and a new enriched quality of life. The Spirit fell upon “the whole house” and all were filled and “began speaking in tongues as the Spirit enabled them” (vv. 2-4). Incredible and comprehensive, the enabling work of God begins in earnest.

Wind and fire were ancient symbols of the nature of God and portend the spiritual nature of man. Essential to the events of Pentecost is the communication and demonstration of a powerful spiritual life, a product of the energy and essence of God. We are to understand the human spirit can resource the Spirit of God for empowerment for the divine purposes of holiness, love, evangelism, missions and service.

The sequence begins with “a sound like the blowing of a violent wind … from heaven,” (v. 2) which I interpret to be like that of a Texas tornado dropping out of the sky. The sound may have represented the crescendo of thousands and millions of voices blended together in force like a shout to get attention. Instead of being destructive, what happened was constructive. Not only did they hear, but they “saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them” (2:30).

What appeared to be a large mass or cluster of fire separated into smaller parts to connect with each individual in a spectacular way. There was no heat from which to recoil and no flying debris to dodge, only the sound and sight of the symbolic conferring of the power of God upon these gathered souls. What was heard and seen expressed itself in the heart, soul and spirit of each individual and surely took their breath in astonishment (v. 6). “Other tongues,” (v. 4), refers to foreign languages, never used before by the apostles but spoken and understood through the enabling of the Holy Spirit (v. 6). Paul appreciated speaking and hearing for understanding as he testifies in I Corinthians 14:6-13.

There was a supernatural infusion by the Spirit of motivation, skill, desire, focus, enthusiasm, faith and boldness. The Spirit also was at work awakening and wooing the hearts of those present and attentive to the sight and sound of the miracle of speech from the fullness of God. The miracle spilled out of the upper room into the streets like water out of a broken dam. Suddenly, the promise was fulfilled, and what happened could not be contained.

The miracle in Jerusalem at Pentecost was the means by which Christ opened the world to the stimulating and penetrating work of Christ through the Holy Spirit, the third manifestation of the Trinity. Jerusalem was the fountainhead of the dispersion of the Christian movement to the ends of the earth (1:8).

Concerning proclamation, 2:5–13—Reading Luke’s account of the empowerment of the church, it is obvious the proof of the infilling power of God is boldness in witnessing. Clearly, these are tongues that speak words that are sensible, understandable and intelligent—a witness from the mouths of bold individuals, all speaking passionately. The miracle is one of hearing. The crowd, from various parts of the world (v. 5), understood every word as though spoken in their native language (vv. 8-11).

Any theology of “glossolalia” must come from some other place in Scripture, for it cannot be found here. Pentecost is a one-time event, never again necessary to repeat though its impact continues forever. The infilling of the Spirit may come over and over again to the individual, but Pentecost is unque. When the Spirit comes, the obvious tangible proof is that the tongue cannot hold back the powerful message of a resurrected Christ who saves from sin, changes lives and ministers to all in need.

The central fact of Pentecost is the empowerment by the Holy Spirit to initiate the mission of Christ to redeem mankind. The masses have missed the Master’s calling and empowerment while content with having a little light hidden under the basket. The silence of today’s Christians forebodes the conclusion that it lacks the filling of the Holy Spirit.

God was showing his disciples anyone can speak up for Jesus, all can share their experience of faith and everyone can expect God’s ever-present Spirit to help formulate words, concepts, phrases, sentences and paragraphs to listening hearts.

Concerning prophecy, 2:14-24—Peter’s message focuses on Christ as the fulfillment of prophecy. He, along with the 11 other apostles, stood before the crowd. Peter, now the bold spokesman and leader, addresses the charge of drunkenness (v. 15) by referencing the prophecy of Joel (Joel 2:28-33). Peter knew that to be successful in convincing the Jews, his own people, that Jesus was the promised Messiah, he had to appeal to prophecy.

Joel’s prediction is quoted, “In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people …” (v. 17), and “Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days …” (v. 18). Peter’s defense affirms the experience at Pentecost—the wind, fire, tongues—was the fulfillment of Joel’s prophecy, and Jesus is the God-designated and appointed (Acts 2:22 “a man attested to by God”) Messiah.

The Messiah, Jesus, would reign over a spiritual kingdom, not a national messianic kingdom of this world. “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved” (v. 21) further indicates salvation transcends any national, geographical, racial or political barrier (see Acts 1:8).

Addressing the heart of the matter, Peter, the first to declare, “you are the Christ, the Son of the Living God,” (Luke 9:20-21) is the first to preach Christ as the resurrected Savior (v. 24). Peter references the life and work of Jesus, the Nazarene, his sacrificial death on the cross and his resurrection. The fact of the resurrection becomes the heart of gospel preaching.

Today’s church is hamstrung by poor theology, biblical illiteracy, debilitating fear, inadequate stewardship, ritualistic traditionalism, arrogant attitude, petty distractions, struggling organizations, hypocritical witness, anemic faith and adulterating selfishness. The faults within the church can be corrected when touched by the Holy Spirit of God and when it recaptures its missional purpose.

The mission of the church, inspired and empowered by God’s Spirit, is to take the gospel to the ends of the earth. This mission has been chosen for the church and is the focus of the church’s soul. The initiative of the church resides in the heart of God and is inspired by, energized by and empowered by the Holy Spirit.

The church must be empowered and transformed by the Spirit of God to assume its historic, proper and powerful role in our world. The church must function for its primary purpose and not for itself.

Take the mystery out of Pentecost, and let the power of our witness penetrate the spiritual darkness of our communities and our world. Stop focusing on building a church and rather build the kingdom of God.

Discussion question

• Do we rely on our own strength and ignore the Spirit’s power?

News of religion, faith, missions, Bible study and Christian ministry among Baptist churches, in Texas, the BGCT, the nation and around the world.

Bible Studies for Life Series for March 11: Jesus opens our eyes

Posted: 2/28/07

Bible Studies for Life Series for March 11

Jesus opens our eyes

• John 9

By David Harp

First Baptist Church, Stanton

I’d like to introduce you to Helen. Helen is a radiant Christian and an overcomer. Helen is 87 years young. She has buried two husbands and one son.

Helen is a recovering alcoholic—more than 50 years of sobriety, one day at a time! Nearly 20 years ago, she faced a new, nearly insurmountable obstacle. Helen lost her sight. Surgeons and specialists all did their best, but this blindness could not be overcome.

Many of us reading these lines have heard a doctor say, “Learn to live with it.” How does one “learn to live with” blindness after seeing mountains and flowers and faces of children and grandchildren? Helen has overcome through her faith in God and with encouragement of her church family and her friends. She says she is one of the most blessed people in the world today.

Some 15 years ago, she received a special, wonderful gift from an agency for the blind—a seeing-eye dog. Jackie, a black Labrador, is Helen’s constant companion, walking in the mall, going to AA meetings and always to Belmont Baptist Church in Pueblo, Colo. Jackie has her place under the pew, where she gets comfortable and often falls asleep and sometimes snores during worship.

Helen is my mom, and her testimony is that her blindness is only temporary. Mom often says, “One day very soon, I will be in the presence of my Lord, and I will see again, for all of eternity.” Some people might say Helen Harp has “spiritual sight” that many seeing people do not.

Our Bible study teaches the impact of a personal experience with Jesus. John’s Gospel is about the Son of Man who can transform us and bring light into a person’s life.

Our lesson in John 9 introduces us to a man born blind. There was not much good news for him. In most Bible dictionaries, blindness and blessing is one article, one short sentence apart. For a man born blind, a blessing must have seemed a lifetime away.

The blind in the first-century world often were reduced to a life of begging. One day, Jesus passed by, and everything changed for the man in John 9 who was born blind.

The biblical account immediately draws us in. The disciples debate the man’s cause of blindness. They ask, “Who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” (v. 2). Jesus quickly brushes away the debate, “Neither this man nor his parents sinned” (v. 3).

Then Jesus does the work we know him for best—he focuses not on debates or dialogues but on the individual with the need. However, John carefully states in this chapter that physical blindness is not the point here. There is a much deeper level that demands our attention—spiritual blindness.

The first section of our Bible study is John 9:8-10. Earlier in the passage, Jesus has given the man born blind his healing instructions. Jesus spit on the ground and made mud. Jesus applied the mud to the man’s eyes and told him to “go and wash in the pool at Siloam” (vv. 6-7).

The blind man obeys Jesus’ instructions and receives his sight. The neighbors always had seen him as a blind and begging man —but now he sees. They ask: “‘Isn’t this the same man who used to sit and beg?’ Some claimed that he was. Others said, ‘No he only looks like him.’ But he himself insisted, ‘I am the man’” (v. 8). This section closes with a question, “How then were your eyes opened?” they asked (v. 10).

The next section of the Bible study is the interrogation of the blind man’s parents in John 9:20-22.

The Pharisees were powerful people. They had authority to put people out of the synagogue. This might explain the fear of the parents of the blind man. This would mean a loss of social security and business opportunity. This would mean a loss of fellowship and community. This would mean humiliation.

Our next section of Bible study leads us to John 9:24-25, 30-33.

Throughout this passage, it must be pointed out a blind man sees with greater clarity while the most religious among them grow increasingly blind. The man has received healing, and it is his main focus in each conversation. It becomes more than his testimony; it becomes his life: “Once I was blind, now I see” (v. 25).

At this point, the former blind man cannot tell the religious leaders much about Jesus. They bombard him with their questions: “What did he do to you? How did he open your eyes?” (v. 26). He responds: “I’ve already told you, and you did not listen. Do you want to hear it again? Do you want to become his disciples, too?” (v. 27).

His life has changed, and he knows Jesus is responsible for the change of his life. The Pharisees want no part of Jesus. How can he come from God, performing miracles on a day when folks worship?

In our final section of Bible study, we see a blind beggar becoming a worshipper (vv. 35-39). The seeing man now says, “‘Lord, I believe,’ and he worshipped him” (v. 38).

Jesus opens the eyes of the blind. We don’t need more inspiration from self-help gurus. We need the transformation Jesus Christ alone can bring. He brings us the light. He brings us life. He offers and waits for our trust. Trust involves enlightenment, a growth in understanding and then commitment—an expression of personal belief.

Discussion questions

• What prevents us from seeing spiritually?

• What enables us to see spiritually?

• What keeps us from committing our life to Jesus?

• What helps us know that our faith in Christ is valid?

News of religion, faith, missions, Bible study and Christian ministry among Baptist churches, in Texas, the BGCT, the nation and around the world.

Explore the Bible Series for March 11: Pursue godliness with whole-heartedness

Posted: 2/28/07

Explore the Bible Series for March 11

Pursue godliness with whole-heartedness

• 1 Peter 1:13-25

By Kathryn Aragon

First Baptist Church, Duncanville

“If it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing right.” My father’s mantra still rings in my ears. Though I may have grown tired of hearing it as a child, I can’t help but admit his words were right on target, and they apply as well to our faith as they do to our daily lives. If Christianity is worth committing our lives to, isn’t it worth committing our heart and soul as well?

Half-hearted Christians

What would happen if a baseball team gathered half-heartedly on the field and played as if they didn’t care? What if they shrugged every time the ball whizzed past their heads instead of racing to catch it? What if they swung the bat lazily, hitting the ball to second base instead of the outfield? That team wouldn’t be worth watching, and they would soon lose their following.

Yet isn’t that what we do in the faith? After the newness of salvation wears off, we become lazy. We forget God’s desire for us to focus on the journey and the testimony of our faith in him. We begin to compartmentalize our lives, living one way at home and at work, and another way at church. We slip into our Christianity as we dress on Sunday morning, and then take it off again, hanging it carefully on a hanger until it’s needed again next week.

We take our faith for granted

Peter wants to remind us our faith is the most valuable thing we possess. Salvation is a priceless gift, costing far more than silver or gold. It cost the blood of God’s own Son, Jesus (vv. 18-19). Yet we live as if the gift was our right instead of the precious gift it is. We brush off sin and disobedience as if they are irrelevant to our faith, as if God’s expectations are too high.

The truth is, sin is a very big issue. Sin expelled Adam from the Garden of Eden. Sin destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. Sin turned the Israelites over to their enemies. Sin spilt the blood of Jesus on the cross. And sin keeps Christians today from enjoying the victory of a vibrant Christian walk.

We are called to be holy

In Genesis 4:7, God tells Cain: “If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must master it.”

Notice, God doesn’t say we won’t be accepted if we don’t do what is right. As we discussed last week, his acceptance is a gift that doesn’t depend on us. What God does tell us is sin will master us if we don’t master sin.

We are called to be holy, not because we are better than others, not to prove we can achieve the impossible, but as a protection against sin. Only by living in holiness can we overcome the temptations of sin.

Holiness is an attitude

Desiring to be holy is not the problem for most Christians. The problem is achieving it. We know God would never ask to do the impossible; therefore, holiness is possible. Why, then, do we have so much trouble with it? We must ask ourselves if we really know what holiness is. The answer may lie in what it is not.

Holiness is not knowledge. So, reading the Bible will not make us holy. Neither will Scripture memory or listening to sermons or reading good books. The reason is clear: Knowing what to do and doing it are two different things. It doesn’t matter how long we’ve been a Christian or how much we know about God or the Bible. Knowledge isn’t the key to holiness.

Peter actually gives us the key in 1 Peter 1:13. He tells us, “Prepare your minds for action; be self-controlled; set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed.”

Prepare your minds

When we read we must be holy as Jesus is holy, we too often begin mimicking Jesus’ words and actions. We forget God cares about our attitudes more than our actions. By focusing on our outward appearances, we make the same mistake the Pharisees made.

If we would spend our energies on changing our thinking, our actions would change without effort. Instead of trying to be holy, we need to think holy. Only by allowing God to overhaul our thinking process will we ever become like him.

But what does it mean to think holy? Peter tells us that as well. In verse 14, he tells us to be “as obedient children.” We must decide we will obey God at all costs and that we will submit to his authority. Rather than acting like rebellious teenagers, we should act like obedient children. Rather than waving off our sins as if they don’t really matter, we should take to heart Jesus’ teachings.

The first commandment is to love God, but Jesus reminds us, “If you love me, you will obey what I command” (John 14:15). The second commandment is to love others as we love ourselves, and Jesus makes it clear he means everyone. “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you” (Matthew 5:44).

Holiness is whole-heartedness

Like the half-hearted baseball team, we won’t achieve any followship unless we take the game seriously. As Christians, we have the skills necessary to play if we will only adjust our attitudes.

Maybe all we need is the reminder, “If it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing right.” We can agree Christianity is worth doing. We need to realize it’s worth doing right. And that’s where holiness comes in.

“Doing it right” means we become whole-hearted Christians. It means we stop trying to do Christianity and begin simply to be Christian. To be Christian, we’ve got to put our money where our mouth is and overcome sin. We’ve got to take God seriously when he tells us the only way to overcome sin is through holiness. We’ve got to listen to Peter and get our minds in the game. Only then will we be playing to win.

Discussion questions

• What are some areas we as modern Christians haven’t really submitted to God? How do we allow the world’s teachings to taint God’s teachings?

• In the depths of your heart, when it comes to sin, are you more like the rebellious teenager or the obedient child?

• Can you think of a time when you have seen holiness overcome sin?

News of religion, faith, missions, Bible study and Christian ministry among Baptist churches, in Texas, the BGCT, the nation and around the world.

Bible Studies for Life Series for March 4: Jesus forgives the sin of his people

Posted: 2/21/07

Bible Studies for Life Series for March 4

Jesus forgives the sin of his people

• John 8:2-11;30-36

By David Harp

First Baptist Church, Stanton

As a pastor, I am called to be with families in crisis, especially death. Several years ago, I had a memorable experience—helping a family as they dealt with the loss of one they loved.

I preached the funeral service one day, and the burial was to be in a little cemetery north of Hollis, Okla., the next day. I planned my trip, giving myself plenty of time, and arrived to speak with the funeral home staff. They were just leaving for the drive to the cemetery. I could follow them, or I could go eat, change my clothes and get there on my own.

I had a choice to make. The map the funeral director gave me looked confusing. I chose to follow the hearse and miss my lunch. It proved to be a wise choice, because I still would be looking for that remote cemetery. We drove down one dirt road for at least 10 miles.

I ducked behind the only bushes around and changed from my traveling clothes into my “preaching clothes.” As I put my clothes back into the car, I noticed a grave marker. It stood out among all the rest in that cemetery or any other I’d ever seen.

What was different? There was no name on it. There was no date of birth and no date of death—just these words: FORGIVEN, FOREVER. I so often have thought about those powerful words and their impact on my own life—forgiven, forever.

The question is just as valid at a modern-day gravesite as it was when Jesus taught in the temple in the first-century world: “Can Jesus forgive me no matter what I’ve done?”

John 8, forever speaks by answering: Jesus forgives our sins.

We begin a new series of lessons, and we note that in many Bible translations, this passage is bracketed. Some give it this explanation: John 7:53-8:11 are not found in the earliest and most reliable manuscripts. Every Bible I found includes it.

The first focal teaching point in the lesson is John 8:2-4.

Jesus is teaching in the temple when he is interrupted by the scribes and Pharisees, the religious watchdogs of the day. They had caught a woman in the act of adultery and brought her to Jesus for his verdict on the matter.

Adultery likely would tell us the woman was married. Adultery is a serious breach of the marriage vows. Adultery is sin. The word used here for “sin” points not only to the action but also to the thought of sin. The powerful picture of this woman in her shame and her sin being dragged in front of the temple by the Pharisees, standing before Jesus and surrounded by the crowd, leaves us feeling the impact of sin. Sin will find us out, to be sure—sometimes slowly, sometimes swiftly—but sin will find us out.

“For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,” Romans 3:23 reminds us.

Next, the focal passage moves us to John 8:5-6 to see what the law required.

We are not told why the guilty man managed to escape the grip of these capable authorities. Perhaps special provisions were made for the man to escape since the sin of adultery required two sinners. Could it be this whole thing was engineered as a litmus test for Jesus?

The Law of Moses was clear—a person guilty of adultery was to be stoned to death (Deuteronomy 22:22-23). This whole matter was not gossip; they had literally caught her in “the very act” of adultery.

The trouble was the Law of Moses had fallen by the wayside at this time. The Romans were in control, and they forbade capitol punishment without the sanction of the Roman ruler. The Romans by no means viewed adultery as punishable by death, so they would not have agreed with the Pharisees.

If Jesus said “stone her,” he would be going against Roman law. If he said “forgive her,” Jesus would be going against Moses’ law. Jesus is between a rock and a hard place! In John 8:5, the religious leaders, the crowd and the woman all look to Jesus as the Pharisees ask, “What do you say?”

Jesus answers in our next focal passage, John 8:6-11, by writingsomething in the sand. This is the only record we have of Jesus writing. What did he write? We have no idea.

Then Jesus speaks. He speaks to the Pharisees; he speaks to the crowd; he speaks to the woman covered in shame and sin. Jesus speaks a word to all of us with sin. Jesus speaks a word to those who are quick to judge and slow to forgive. The Pharisees, armed with stones but empty of compassion, hear Jesus say, “If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her” (John 8:7).

Jesus’ words are aimed right at the heart and point to a change of life. They are a warning light to these Pharisees that their own lives might be at stake. If they stoned the woman, there were plenty of witnesses.

Then again, Jesus kneels to write in the sand. As the impact of Jesus’ words sink in, the men go out. One by one, they leave—from the eldest to the youngest—“They kept going out” (John 8:9). No words, just actions. They dropped their stones. The convincing words of Jesus pointed to the sin in each person’s life. No stone-throwing today.

Jesus speaks to the woman whose accusers have walked away from her now. Jesus asks her, “Woman, where are your accusers?” and asks another question, “Has no one condemned you?” (John 8:10).

Look carefully at her response: “No one, Sir” (John 8:11). Many translations say, “Lord.” Finally, Jesus says to her, “Neither do I condemn you—go now and leave your life of sin” (John 8:11).

The final focal passage reminds us that when we experience forgiveness from Jesus we are led to a new life of truth and freedom (John 8:30-36).

Forgivers become followers! Forgivers are changed by Jesus. His desires become our desires. We turn away from our sin and follow Jesus. He leads us in the right way, and he leads us to do the right things. Forgiven people become forgivers of other people who have yet to leave their life of sin.

“Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” (John 8:32). … “I tell you the truth, he who sins is a slave to sin” (John 8:34). … “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed” (John 8:36).

Discussion questions

• Does Jesus encourage “sloppy” agape—love with no accountability?

• Can sin be confronted without a “condemning” attitude?

• How can compassion be shown to sinners without condoning sinful ways?

• When someone leaves their life of sin, how can Christians welcome and encourage forgiven people?

News of religion, faith, missions, Bible study and Christian ministry among Baptist churches, in Texas, the BGCT, the nation and around the world.

CYBER COLUMN by Brett Younger: Ladies and Gentlemen . . .

Posted: 2/23/06

Ladies and Gentlemen . . .

By Brett Younger

Some are born to greatness. Some have greatness thrust upon them. But only a few get to be the announcer at their son’s basketball games. For two seasons, I’ve had the peculiar privilege of introducing the amazing hoopsters of R.L. Paschal High School. My understated spiel goes like this:

“Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, please take off your hats, put out your cigars, and stand as a Paschal student and future ‘American Idol’ champion sings our national anthem.”

Brett Younger

Oh, say can you see . . .

“Now it’s time for the thrill and excitement of Texas high school basketball. This is the best $3 you’ll spend this week—more fun than warm pigs in cold mud—so tell your mama not to wait up. You can tie me to an anthill and smear my ears with jam, cause, Whoa, Nelly, we got a dandy. We’re here for all ball, all day, and one, big men, buzzer beaters, daggers, deep threats, dishes, dropping dimes, doing the dirty work, facials, floaters, fadeaways, finger rolls, finishers, kicks, killer crossovers, put backs, playmakers, posterizers, shakers, stoppers, swatters, swing men, settin’ the table, threadin’ the needle, tickin’ the twine and throwin’ it down. This district 4-5A clash is a brawl, a broil, a bash, a clash, a fray, a fracas, a scrap, a scuffle, a skirmish, a melee. It’s the world’s second-most-exciting indoor sport, and the other one should not have spectators. Now, let’s have some polite applause for our unfortunate opponents.”

After listing the ill-fated victims, I introduce the Panthers like an obnoxious arena announcer stringing out the last syllable of every name ridiculouslyyyyyyy! When I introduce my son it’s like this:

“At six foot three-quarters of an inch, at guard, a senior, Graham Youngeeeeeeeer!”

I’m sure I have a natural gift for announcing, but Carol is concerned by how much I enjoy it. Several members of my church have expressed concern that some Sunday morning I may slip into my obnoxious arena voice, but one person who wasn’t thinking clearly suggested that I try it for the welcome. I imagine it like this:

“Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, please take off your hats and put out your cigars, because it’s time for the thrill and excitement of Christian worship. Tell your mama to give you more than $3 for the offering, because this will be better than bowling barefoot with blindfolded deacons. I can’t dance, and it’s too wet to plow, so it must be time. We are here to adore, believe, commit, confess, consider, contemplate, celebrate, deliberate, dream, exalt, extol, implore, give, glorify, love, laud, listen, mull, meditate, pray, praise, pledge, promise, question, read, reflect, receive, reappraise, reconsider, sing, share, think, thank, venerate, welcome and wish for a better day with God’s help. In this hour, we encounter the Spirit, so don’t be surprised if you end up walking out as someone different. Giving ourselves in worship is the most important thing we do. This is no place for mere spectators. So now at six foot three-quarters of an inch, at the organ, a senior, Al Traviiiiiiiiis!”

Then again, maybe not.

Brett Younger is pastor of Broadway Baptist Church in Fort Worth and the author of Who Moved My Pulpit? A Hilarious Look at Ministerial Life, available from Smyth & Helwys (800) 747-3016. You can e-mail him at

News of religion, faith, missions, Bible study and Christian ministry among Texas Baptist churches, in the BGCT, the Southern Baptist Convention ( SBC ) and around the world.

BaptistWay Bible Series for March 4: Stay focused on Jesus

Posted: 2/21/07

BaptistWay Bible Series for March 4

Stay focused on Jesus

• Acts 1:1-14

By Leroy Fenton

Baptist Standard, Dallas

The local church may be defined as a community of believers assembled to worship God, to study his word, and who leave to do ministry and evangelism in their world of influence.

The book of Acts is the unique holy history of the dramatic growth of the first-century church through evangelism, missions and benevolence. The church’s success was and is inspired by the birth, life, death, resurrection and ascension of Christ and empowered through the Holy Spirit.

The church had a specific purpose long before Rick Warren wrote The Purpose-Driven Church. However, centuries of church history highlight the thorny fact of the abundance of neglect of the church’s primary biblical purpose—going, discipling, teaching and baptizing while enabled by the constant presence of the one-and-only God through the Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19-20, also Matthew 1:19 and Acts 1:8).

In America today, the church lacks the effectiveness described in Acts and is recognized not for its life-giving salvation, its compassionate benevolence, its virtuous integrity nor its missional plan.

What it does not do may form the substance of a more accurate accounting of what the church has become. Fighting off the image of political infighting, moral failure and frustrating boredom, the church very often is considered hypocritical, weak and irrelevant, an unchanging institution out of touch with a changing world. Isolated in buildings with stain-glassed windows that filter out the truth of God’s purpose, the church seems to use the Bible like the drunk uses a lamppost, more for support than illumination. Comfortable on the inside and in love with itself, the church is institutionalized and ignored.

Most people speak of going to church, not being the church, having services rather than being a servant, sitting in on a performance by the pastor rather than participating in the presence of the Master. The church often is considered irrelevant to life, irresponsible in attitudes, inept in its mission and out of touch with its community.

The Great Commission is, “Y’all come,” and the Great Commandment is, “Love the Lord God with a little of your heart, soul, mind and strength,” and the Great Calling is, “I will make you to become pew sitters.”

Sunday school is more about fellowship than discipleship, prayer meeting is more about physical healings than spiritual victories, class meetings are more about entertainment than evangelism, choir is more about perfection than proclamation, committee meetings more about turf-protection than faith-projection and sermons are more about performance than persuasion. In spite, God still is using his church to get a few things accomplished for his glory.

Perhaps my evaluation does confront the issues and I am, at least, half correct. Regardless, I can issue a cry for changes in the church that will bear fruit for Christ, the church’s head and heart, and challenge the maintenance of the comfortable, convenient and consumptive status quo. Take a look at your church or home cell group and evaluate it for the purpose of becoming the best Christian and best church you can be. Ask, “What kind of church would my church be, if every church member were just like me?”

According to Milfred Minatrea, the missional church is “a reproducing community of authentic disciples, being equipped as missionaries sent by God, to live and proclaim his kingdom in their world,” while perceiving “mission as the essence of its existence” and making “transformational impact.” (Shaped by God’s Heart, p. x, also, p. 12).

The definition is exciting and sets forth a correctional ideal. I trust that the Christian communities will not do the usual, that is, the leadership will enjoy the study of the finer points of the missional church but prefer to manage the status quo while expecting other congregations to implement the concept and make the changes. Change is good, as long as someone else does it.

There is a huge need to move a congregation from just going to church to being authentic personal witnesses on mission for Christ. A new label on the bottle doesn’t change the product inside. I welcome the contemporary missional church movement and the attempt to recover the biblical focus and force of the resurrected Christ and his church in the book of Acts.

The author focuses on Jesus (Acts 1:1-5)

Luke, the author of Acts, addresses the recipient, Theophilus (“lover of God” or “loved by God”; also see Luke 1:1-4). Luke had investigated the events and stories of those who observed the life, death and resurrection of Christ and determined to give an orderly, accurate, historical record to assure the certainty and truth of the teachings of Christ. Luke’s Gospel records that which “Jesus began to do and teach until the day he was taken up to heaven” (Acts 1:1-2), while Acts begins with the ascension.

During his last days on earth, Jesus gave “instructions through the Holy Spirit to the apostles” (v. 2), provided “many convincing proofs” of the resurrection (v. 3) and left them with the promise of empowerment (v. 4).

Acts continues the story of what Jesus did through the apostles and the Holy Spirit in the spread of the Christian faith from the ascension at Jerusalem all the way to Rome—Jerusalem, 1:1-6:7; Judea, Galilee and Samaria, 6:8-9:31; Antioch, 9:32-12:25; Asia Minor, 13:1-16:5; Europe, 16:6-19:20; and Rome 19:21-28:31. Luke leaves no doubt about the mission to “the ends of the earth” being the work of the resurrected Christ.

The fulfillment of the mission of Christ was a process in motion, but the essential under-pinning for success is the same—instruction, certainty (faith) and empowerment. Luke tells us Christ is the person, cause, force, motivation, strategist, planner and commander of the spiritual revolution that turned the world upside down.

The apostles focus on Jesus (1:6-14)

Some refer this writing of Luke as the Acts of the Apostles. Only two apostles, Peter and Paul, become prominent leaders of the Acts account. There were others who, unnamed and behind the scenes, were critical to the success of the mission of Christ (see Acts 1:2, “the apostles he had chosen …”; 1:13-15, the 11 apostles, the women, Mary, the brothers of Jesus and a crowd of about 120). Obediently, they go into a prayer meeting that would continue “together in one place” (2:1) until the miracle of Pentecost.

Instructions on the strategy of Jesus (1:6-8)

Explaining the kingdom (reign) of God is one of the major tasks of Jesus during the 40 days on earth between the resurrection and ascension. Evidently, the apostles had not discerned the difference between the kingdom of God and the kingdom of Israel, or separated the national earthly kingdom from the spiritual eternal kingdom.

The apostles were far too focused on a messianic kingdom of this earth. They asked, “Lord, are you at this time going to restore the kingdom of Israel?” Thoughts of temporal glory for Israel dominated their mindset rather than anticipating what had been promised, a supernatural kingdom empowered by the Holy Spirit. This is a defining moment in the human comprehension of spiritual truth. It is the right question at the right time. The answer was crucial for them and is critical for the missional church.

Are the temporal trappings of the church to be restored to their old glory—the edifices, programs, denominations, worship styles, governance—or does the church focus on the spiritual kingdom of the Holy Spirit that changes people’s lives.

Do we change the world through the politics of government and war, the patriotism of people or the polity of democratic legislation? Not that any of the aforesaid are bad, but are they best? What shall be the focus of our strategy? To follow Jesus, the apostles had to focus on his strategy clearly stated as “you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

Politics or the legal system can never be a substitute for the spiritual work of God’s people. The evidence of the presence of the Holy Spirit is in our witness and witnessing.

Infusion of the strategy of Jesus (1:9-14)

Having heard the “two men dressed in white” relating Jesus would come again (v. 11), the apostles left the Mount of Olives and returned to Jerusalem to the upper room and began to pray as they waited for empowerment, for the baptism “with the Holy Spirit.” When things of the heart are right and when God’s will merges with those in prayer, power will come to implement the strategy of the ages, the only strategy that will work in a spiritual kingdom.

The apostles focused their attention and anticipation on the Christ who promised them power from on high. Soon, the good would be infused with the best, and the world would forever be changed. The missional church seeks to turn the spiritual fire within into an inferno to confront the principalities and powers of this evil world.

Discussion questions

• To what extent is my church truly focused on Jesus? To what extent am I?

News of religion, faith, missions, Bible study and Christian ministry among Baptist churches, in Texas, the BGCT, the nation and around the world.

Explore the Bible Series for March 4: Life’s difficulties are faith’s fuel

Posted: 2/21/07

Explore the Bible Series for March 4

Life’s difficulties are faith’s fuel

• 1 Peter 1:1-12

By Kathryn Aragon

First Baptist Church, Duncanville

When I plan a road trip, I never plan the emergencies. I plan the direction of my trip, the stops I will make, where I’ll eat and what I’ll do. But not planning for emergencies doesn’t mean they won’t happen. In fact, I go into every road trip expecting difficulties likely will occur.

Why is it, then, as we journey along the road of life, that we are so surprised when difficulties arise? The truth is, we will always face difficulties. Tough times are as sure as a new day.

But when uncertain times come, it is easy to lose faith. We’ve all been there. We’ve all asked those difficult questions: If God loves me, why would he let this happen? Have I lost God’s favor? If I learn the lesson he’s trying to teach me, will my troubles go away?

God’s love is constant

The first thing we need to remember is that troubles do not mean we’ve lost God’s favor. God loves us. Period. The Bible tells us he loves us before we love him and there’s nothing we can do to make him stop loving us.

John 10:28 says, “I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand.” God’s favor is a given. He’s given it, and if we don’t have it, it’s because we never accepted it.

The one certain thing is uncertain times

The second thing we need to remember is that Jesus never promised being a Christian would be easy—“If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me” (Luke 9:23). We often associate “taking up our cross” with life’s petty irritations, but nothing could be further from the truth.

Mel Gibson’s The Passion of the Christ gave us a graphic picture of what taking up a cross looks like, and it’s no petty discomfort. Jesus is calling us to a life of sacrifice and loss, of discomfort and unpleasantness. He warns us in Matthew 10 that Christianity is a life of strife: “Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword” (v. 34). He insists our faith will be uncomfortable: “All men will hate you because of me” (v. 22).

A different perspective on troubles

Of course, knowing the Christian life brings a certain amount of trouble doesn’t help us to manage when troubles do rear their ugly heads. Part of our reaction stems from some expectations we have inadvertently fallen into.

For Christians, life in America is pretty easy. We’ve never had to choose between our life and our faith. The laws protect religious freedom, and we Christians often are the majority. What that means, of course, is our faith is rarely challenged.

Because practicing our faith is easy, we sometimes forget we are called to carry a cross. Not only that, we begin to believe being a Christian is supposed to solve the problems of life, to make life easier. Rather than realizing uncertain times are a natural part of our Christian journey through life, we are offended God would allow troubles to come our way.

Our lesson this week is a reminder that trials are a natural part of the Christian life. Not only does God not prevent them from coming our way, he allows them to happen because he has a plan.

God’s plan

Remember that salvation is based on our faith in the redemptive work God has done through Jesus. Everything we have, everything we hope for, is founded on faith.

God’s plan is for us to grow in our faith. He doesn’t want us to forget we are on a journey whose destination is eternity. He wants us to remember salvation is the goal, and faith is the vehicle.

When uncertainties arise—and we can be certain they will—we must keep our focus. The question is not why bad things happen, but what are we going to do about them. Rather than feeling sorry for ourselves or trying to escape troubles, we can be grateful we have a God who cares so much about the strength of our faith. As Peter, we can honestly say, “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Peter 1:3).

Trials are a sign God is at work in our lives. They are proof our inheritance is sure, and we must remember they serve the purpose of making our faith stronger. We know this is a critical need since, as Peter says, faith is the agent that turns God’s power into a shield until our salvation is revealed in eternity (v. 5).

Too often, we think we need shielding from life’s difficulties. But we need to remember life’s difficulties are fuel for a strong and vibrant faith, a faith capable of carrying us through all of life’s ups and downs.

Life really is a journey, but in the journey of life, our goal should not be the destination. In the end, all that really matters is how we lived our life. It is the journey and not the destination that counts. God wants us to live each moment for him, grateful for that moment, whether it’s good or bad. He wants us to settle into the journey and enjoy the ride.

Discussion questions

• What does Peter say is the value of a strong faith?

• When will we see the reward of facing difficult trials in life?

• Unbelievers often watch the way believers handle difficulties, looking for evidence their faith really helps. Think of an uncertain time in your life. What was your reaction? What kind of a testimony did your reaction give? How could you respond better next time uncertainties arise?

News of religion, faith, missions, Bible study and Christian ministry among Baptist churches, in Texas, the BGCT, the nation and around the world.

Disabled rodeo-riding pastor overcomes obstacles

Posted: 2/16/07

Twenty years ago, doctors told Randy Bird he never would ride, rope or walk again. He not only rides and ropes; Bird also is pastor of Higher Trails Cowboy Church in Merit, northwest of Greenville. (Photos courtesy of Randy Bird)

Disabled rodeo-riding pastor overcomes obstacles

By Toby Druin

Editor Emeritus

MERIT—Twenty years ago, in the midst of an almost yearlong stay in a Dallas hospital where medical specialists were putting him back together, doctors told Randy Bird he never would ride, rope or walk again.

They underestimated him. He not only rides and ropes; Bird also is pastor of Higher Trails Cowboy Church in Merit, northwest of Greenville. He hasn’t given up on walking again, either, and people who know him and his determination aren’t betting against him.

Randy Bird developed a therapy saddle that enabled him to ride and rope, even after a wreck 20 years ago left him unable to walk.

Bird grew up in Tomball and was a gifted athlete. He ran the 100-yard dash in 9.9 seconds, the half mile in 1:58.6 and once ran a punt back 104 yards in a high school football game. And from the time he was 10 or 12, he participated in rodeo events, usually at Cypress-Fairbanks High School.

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• Disabled rodeo-riding pastor overcomes obstacles
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Cowboy church slideshow

When his grandfather moved to the Dallas area in 1976, Bird wasn’t far behind, joining him in 1978. He brought along his wife and their young son and some bad habits he had picked up. He had become a drug addict and an alcoholic and was about as far from God as he could get, he said.

On Feb. 24, 1986, all that changed. About 4 a.m., on his way home after a night of drinking, Bird noticed his dog, Rooster, was about to fall off his favorite perch on the toolbox behind his pickup truck’s cab.

“I had a new Ford pickup, and I hadn’t had time to put some carpet down on the toolbox so Rooster could maintain his footing,” he recalled.

When he saw Rooster about to fall off the side of the pickup, Bird said, he jerked it to the side to try to keep the dog on the toolbox and then back again to try to stay on the highway.

The pickup rolled, and it continued rolling even after Bird was ejected through the passenger-side window.

When it finally stopped rolling and was lying upside down on its crushed cab, Bird remained on the highway with multiple broken ribs, a crushed chin, a jaw broken in three places, and—worst of all—a broken neck and back.

“I couldn’t move,” he said. “But lying there, I told God I had wrecked my truck, had broken my back and had killed my dog. And God said, ‘Randy, if you’re going to live through this and make it, you’re going to have to keep your eyes on me.’”

Randy Bird's therapy saddle.

As he lay on the road, Bird noticed an elderly man standing about 60 feet away. He still has a vivid recollection of the man, including his white beard and every item of clothing he was wearing.

“I said to him, ‘Mister, I need some help,’” Bird recalled.

“I’ve already sent for help,” the old man replied.

A few minutes later a neighbor took Bird’s hand and said, “You need help,” and said he had called for an ambulance.

When Bird asked the neighbor where the old man was, the neighbor said he hadn’t seen any old man. Bird remains convinced the old man was an angel who saw him through the wreck.

When the ambulance arrived and the emergency medical technicians were trying to get Bird in the ambulance, Rooster showed up, too, biting and nipping at them, trying to protect Bird from further injury. The wreck hadn’t killed him, after all. In fact, the blue healer/Australian shepherd mix, 10 at the time of the wreck, lived another six years.

Bird first was taken to a hospital in Greenville and then by CareFlight to Methodist Hospital in Dallas and put on the road to recovery.

He recovered from his other problems in the fury of the accident.

“I was a drug addict and an alcoholic for 15 years,” Bird said. “But God changed my life on the side of that road.”

It helped that both his mother and grandmother had been praying for him during those 15 years. “Prayer works,” he said.

Hoping to be healed, he promised anything and everything to God during his recovery, Bird said, but he became aware that all God wanted was his obedience.

And while he has remained paralyzed from his mid-chest down, Bird hardly is confined. He gets around in a wheelchair as well as many people do on foot, and he tours his ranch and the church grounds on a golf cart, working the brake and accelerator with a pick handle. He and his wife, Linda, know every bump on their ranch and the 10-acre church site.

After his accident, he invented the Randy Bird Therapy Saddle, which got him back on the back of a horse.

In 1990, Randy and Jimmy Ray Bird competed in a PRCA roping event in Huntsville and won one go-round before placing seventh in average.

“I still miss rodeoing,” Bird said. “But I have a far greater thing to do. God called me to preach when I was 16, but I ran from him until that night on the highway.”

After getting out of the hospital, he spent the next several years leading evangelistic services, preaching wherever he got the chance, he said. In late 1994 or early 1995, he was invited to speak at a meeting of the Texas Rehabilitation Centers in Amarillo. After he spoke to the group, the wife of the man who had invited him to speak and who attended church in Hereford asked him to speak at a sunrise service in a feedyard.

Randy and Linda Bird wound up buying a ranch in Dawn and staying there seven years, starting the Barn Church. Attendance was topping 400 when they left West Texas to move to Merit.

Higher Trails Cowboy Church in Merit, which Bird started in a feed store, is attracting more and more people. On any given Sunday, about 230 to 250 people gather for worship in the church’s unfinished building. The congregation moved into its facility about three months ago once the building was in-the-dry, and Bird expects the interior work to be completed by mid-year.

The church building, which will accommodate 600 worshippers, and the 10-acre site on which it is located, are a miracle, Bird noted.

When Kirk Hammack of Greenville bought 93 acres at the intersection, Bird asked if the church could buy the 10 acres on the corner for $5,000 per acre. Hammack agreed.

“Our people did all kinds of fund raisers—horse auctions, yard sales” and so forth, Bird said. “When we had raised $37,000, a lady who was not even a member of the church wrote us a check for $13,000.”

When Bird telephoned Hammack to arrange a meeting so he could give him the $50,000, Hammack told him he was giving the property to the church.

“So, with that $50,000 and $100,000 from a loan from the Baptist Church Loan Corporation, we have $150,000,” Bird said. “All we owe is $96,000, and our dream and real desire is to be debt-free.”

Bird never has let any obstacle—including his injury—stand in the way of ministry.

“God uses it for my good and his glory,” he said. “Any time I meet someone and start talking to them, they go down on their knees to look me in the eye. There’s something about someone being on their knees that God can take and use.”

Reprinted from Cowboy Times, a publication of the Texas Fellowship of Cowboy Churches and the Baptist Standard.

News of religion, faith, missions, Bible study and Christian ministry among Baptist churches, in Texas, the BGCT, the nation and around the world.

Baptisms, mission dollars follow cowboy church growth

Posted: 2/16/07

The top team at the Pastors’ Ranch Rodeo at the Cowboy Gathering at Cowboy Church of Ellis County in November included (left to right) Larry Mitchell, pastor of Rim Rock Cowboy Church in Quitman; Jim Strickland, the Texas Fellowship of Cowboy Churches’ new representative in Lubbock; Mike Moss, pastor of Bull Creek Cowboy Church in Lone Oak; and Greg Horn of Fairlie, immediate past president of the Texas Fellowship of Cowboy Churches and East Texas representative for the fellowship. Moss also was chosen “top hand” at the rodeo. (Photo by Toby Druin)

Baptisms, mission dollars
follow cowboy church growth

By Toby Druin

Editor Emeritus

WAXAHACHIE—If it meets its goal, the Texas Fellowship of Cowboy Churches will have 250 churches by the end of 2010—congregations that are expected to baptize 7,500 new converts annually, attract 50,000 in worship attendance on an average Sunday and donate more than $1 million to missions each year through the Cooperative Program of the Baptist General Convention of Texas.

The goal is an ambitious one, said Ron Nolen, who retired from his job as western-heritage ministries director for the BGCT last fall to become full-time coordinator of the Texas Fellowship of Cowboy Churches.

The fellowship was formed in 2002, and it was reorganized in 2005 with a charter, constitution and bylaws, and nonprofit organization status. A board of directors, who serve three-year terms and are elected at the annual gathering, governs the fellowship. Nolen is the only full-time employee.

Nolen has seen the cowboy church movement grow from nothing in 1999 to 85 churches as 2007 got under way, with another 15 or more “in the chute,” and he’s optimistic about meeting—and even exceeding—the goal and seeing those conversion, attendance and mission-giving totals grow exponentially.

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• Baptisms, mission dollars follow cowboy church growth
Cowboy churches spread, thanks to laid-back approach
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Cowboy church slideshow

“When we began laying the groundwork in 1999 for what has become Cowboy Church of Ellis County, which now averages almost 1,500 in worship each week, we didn’t realize the potential. We didn’t consider at first the significant numbers of people in this culture and how widespread it is across this state.

“Almost everything in Texas has been founded on or has its roots in the western-heritage culture. But a lot of us were looking at the postmodern generation and the adult-contemporary world and thinking that was where our church-starting energies should be going.”

About four years ago, strategists began to realize cowboy churches represented “a major movement with almost unlimited potential,” Nolen said.

“Based on our experience in Ellis County, where the seventh cowboy church in the county was established in January, we saw that at least 20 percent of the Texas population are affiliated with the western-heritage culture either by affinity—they love the western lifestyle, its music and history—or hardcore connection—they are working cowboys or are somehow related to farming, ranching or the livestock industry.

“And the staggering thing is that a large part of that 20 percent, which is more than four million people, have never professed faith in Jesus Christ or gone to any church. Somehow, though the culture is respectful of Christian values, most who come to cowboy churches say they have never felt welcome in or drawn to traditional churches. They have no affinity with stained-glass windows or suits and ties.”

Most people who attend cowboy churches are “laid-back, casual, western all the way and are men of their word and people of principle,” Nolen said—evidence of the Christian message that has saturated the western lifestyle since frontier days.

Drawing them to places of worship has involved lowering barriers, both to them coming and then being a part of the churches. Many people coming to the churches, Nolen noted, are people who have come to feel they have to get their lives “straightened out” before they can attend a traditional church. Many are divorced.

“Our emphasis is come just as you are,” Nolen said. “We’ll expose them to the gospel and let Jesus clean them and us up.”

No offering plates are passed, although a place is provided at the rear of worship centers for people to leave their contributions. Pastors offer no public invitations; people who want to make professions of faith in Christ or join the church are asked to indicate their decisions on forms provided, also at the rear of the church. Baptisms are carried out in horse troughs or in nearby streams or lakes.

Buildings almost exclusively are metal, similar to many other structures in their areas. Cowboy Church of Ellis County, for instance, which started in the Ellis County Expo Center, site of livestock shows, has built two buildings, and both are very similar to the Expo Center. Inside, the décor is distinctively western.

Many cowboy churches have started in sale barns, welding shops or similar settings. But in most instances, the churches start with a roping arena first and then add buildings in which to worship. Even after the worship center is completed, most activities take place at the arena. That translates into most cowboy churches requiring more land than a traditional church—anywhere from 10 to 30 acres for an arena, worship center and land for their livestock.

Music provided by a western band also is a key element for cowboy churches. Familiar hymn tunes are played and sung to a western beat. It’s not unusual for a band to present a hymn to the tune of a popular western song. “Amazing Grace” sung to the tune of “Ghost Riders in the Sky” is one example.

Congregational polity is the form of church governance, as in most Baptist churches. Leadership is provided by the pastor and a team of elders—usually three, more if necessary—who are elected by the church and serve as an accountability group for the pastor but enter into decision making only when a church or team consensus can’t be achieved. The emphasis is on elder “role” rather than elder “rule,” Nolen explained.

Lay pastors, selected by the pastor, serve in much the same way as staff members in traditional churches as resource people and overseeing various teams. The teams usually include groups who work in the arena, children’s and student ministries or other areas as needed. A unique team to the cowboy church is the audit team, which gives oversight to finances and holds leadership accountable.

The church comes together once a month after a Sunday morning worship service and plans the church program for the weeks ahead.

“Cowboy churches are drawing men. Therefore, we are putting more men to work than ever before,” Nolen observed. “We believe men have a great responsibility to lead their families in Christian growth and worship. In the cowboy church, men who can’t teach or don’t feel they can teach or lead some activity can make a hand in something they enjoy doing and while they are there, be exposed to the gospel. It may be a different way of doing evangelism and discipleship, but men are being reached for Jesus Christ.”

Women serve in children’s and student ministries, as hostesses for church events and weekday activities, and many serve on the teams.

“We are focused on one target group, and we don’t try to be all things to all people,” said Nolen. “We are here to reach people of the western-heritage mindset.”

News of religion, faith, missions, Bible study and Christian ministry among Baptist churches, in Texas, the BGCT, the nation and around the world.

Cowboy churches spread, thanks to laid-back approach

Posted: 2/16/07

Trading a traditional baptismal for a horse trough, a new follower of Christ is baptized at a cowboy church.

Cowboy churches spread,
thanks to laid-back approach

By Barbara Bedrick

Texas Baptist Communications

STEPHENVILLE—On a chilly morning in Central Texas, a man in ostrich-skin cowboy boots stood shivering in a water-filled horse trough. Charles Higgs quickly dunked him. Higgs, the pastor of Cowboy Church of Erath County, also baptized the man’s wife and two children that same day.

The family-style baptism is just a sign of the times, Higgs said. He was a pastor at traditional churches 28 years but now says he has a passion for people interested in cowboy culture.

In six years, 7,000 people have been baptized at Texas cowboy churches.

Cowboy churches like the one in Erath County are growing in popularity as a way to appeal to non-Christians who avoid potentially stuffy conventional churches. And water-trough baptisms are an increasingly common occurrence for the laid-back group.

Based on openness and grace, the movement appeals to people living the cowboy lifestyle—or city-slickers with a cowboy attitude. Suits, ties, pews and theological nitpicking are foreign to the movement. Instead, services often come before or after rodeos, branding days, roping events and barbecues.

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Cowboy Churches: Roundin' Up Strays
Disabled rodeo-riding pastor overcomes obstacles
Baptisms, mission dollars follow cowboy church growth
• Cowboy churches spread, thanks to laid-back approach
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Cowboy church-planting school slated

Cowboy church slideshow

It’s difficult to track national numbers of cowboy churches, since most of them are nondenominational, but the website lists cowboy church groups in 29 states.

In Texas alone, 7,000 Christians have been baptized in cowboy churches since the western heritage movement began in 2000, according to Baptist General Convention of Texas records.

The average size of a cowboy church congregation is about 200 people; many churches divide when numbers outgrow the barn or arena used as a meeting place. And the appeal—old-time cowboy ethics—is spreading.

“You can really feel grace” in a cowboy church, Higgs said. “We preach that we are saved by grace, but we also try to react with grace.”

As the director of the BGCT’s western-heritage ministries, Higgs said the movement has the potential to attract millions. Roughly 20 percent of the Texas population—about 5 million people—embrace the western-heritage culture, he noted.

“Eighty percent of the (cowboy church) baptisms are adults. We baptized a lady who was 57 who had not been to church in 43 years,” he said.

The movement continues to grow, with more than 80 cowboy congregations started in Texas in the last six years, the BGCT reports. Church planters nationwide have taken cues from the growth in Texas and are eager to build on that momentum.

“Our goal this year is to create 40 new cowboy churches in 2007,” Higgs said. “Five of them will be vaquero cowboy churches,” or Spanish-speaking, Hispanic western-heritage congregations.

To that end, the Texas Fellowship of Cowboy Churches recently kicked off a $1 million “Riding the River with the Cowboys” fund-raising campaign to start more than 200 cowboy churches in Texas by 2010.

“We want to build on the foundation laid by the BGCT,” said Ron Nolen, the director of the Waxahachie-based fellowship. “We need a foundation that will support 250 cowboy churches being planted in Texas.”

The campaign will help reach more non-Christians and develop a 178-acre western youth camp in Whitney to meet the needs of 1,500 teens across the state, he explained.

“We also need to reinforce the BGCT’s congregational strategists,” Nolen noted. “Very few of the BGCT’s church starters are in the (cowboy) culture, and the strategy is radically different from Baptist life.”

The BGCT is putting spurs to this effort to help equip cowboy church leaders and church starters by sponsoring four cowboy church-planting schools this year, Higgs added.

News of religion, faith, missions, Bible study and Christian ministry among Baptist churches, in Texas, the BGCT, the nation and around the world.