2007 Archives
ETBU dormitory furnishings find new home, meet multiple needs
Posted: 12/28/07
East Texas Baptist University, making preparation for the renovation of Fry Hall, donated all the furnishings from the residence hall to Ebenezer Ministries of Clayton. The furniture was loaded onto three semi-trailers, two 16-foot cargo trailers and two 16-foot flat bed trailers, which involved three different ministry organizations to get the donation to its destination in Quemado. (Photo by Mike Midkiff/ETBU) ETBU dormitory furnishings find
new home, meet multiple needsBy Mike Midkiff
East Texas Baptist University
MARSHALL—As a dormitory at East Texas Baptist University gets a major facelift, some of its furnishings are finding a new home in Mexican orphanages, and others will meet needs throughout the Southwest, thanks to a cooperative venture involving several ministries.
After students left campus at the end of the fall semester, ETBU physical facilities employees started to work moving furniture out of dorm rooms in preparation for an extensive renovation of Charles Fry Hall, a one-story men’s residence hall built in 1977.
East Texas Baptist University Utility Technician Michael Welch loads the final piece of furniture onto a truck from the Rick Caywood Ministries of Crawford. ETBU donated all the furnishings from Fry Hall to help needy people in Mexico. (Photo by Mike Midkiff/ETBU) 12/31/2007 - By John Rutledge
New Baptist Covenant, Huckabee rank as top stories in â07, journalists say
Posted: 12/28/07
New Baptist Covenant, Huckabee rank
as top stories in ‘07, journalists sayBy Robert Marus
Associated Baptist Press
WASHINGTON (ABP)—The biggest news story among Baptists in 2007 was about an event that has not even happened yet—the announcement of an unprecedented meeting of Baptists from across North America—according to an informal survey of journalists in the Baptist media world.
The Celebration of a New Baptist Covenant, announced in January by former presidents Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton—and the ensuing controversy stirred by its critics—was the top vote-getter in 2007’s Associated Baptist Press survey. The historic pan-Baptist meeting will be held in Atlanta Jan. 30-Feb. 1.
Mike Huckabee speaks at Prestonwood Baptist Church in Dallas. 12/28/2007 - By John Rutledge
Church welcomes the âScum of the Earthâ
Posted: 11/02/07
Church welcomes the ‘Scum of the Earth’
By Susie Oh
Religion News Service
DENVER (RNS)—The people who worship with Pastor Mike Sares are mostly young, many of them students, some clean-cut, some a little raggedy. More than a few of the 300 worshippers have grappled with depression, abortion, drugs and homelessness. Some still wrestle with their demons—and at this church, they talk openly about it. They call themselves Scum of the Earth.
Scum and similar churches around the country draw in young adults disenchanted with suburban megachurches and the denominational churches of their parents. But Sares, for seven years, has tapped into a group at the outermost edges. He fosters relationships with God and peers, makes church as accessible as possible and doesn’t expect worshippers to change as soon as they come through the doors.
A free meal precedes services at Scum of the Earth in Denver, which attracts an eclectic crowd of artists, musicians, homeless people and others. (RNS photos/Ernie Leyba) 12/26/2007 - By John Rutledge
Florida sanctuary gutted by early-morning fire before Christmas
Posted: 12/26/07
Florida sanctuary gutted by
early-morning fire before ChristmasBy Greg Warner
Associated Baptist Press
JACKSONVILLE, Fla. (ABP)—The 50-year-old sanctuary of Hendricks Avenue Baptist Church in Jacksonville, Fla., was totally destroyed by fire two days before Christmas.
When the first of 70 firefighters arrived on the scene about 5 a.m. Sunday morning, flames were shooting out of the roof, an official said. Firefighters poured 300,000 gallons of water on the blaze before bringing it under control 90 minutes later.
Hendricks Avenue Baptist Church in Jacksonville, Fla., burned two days before Christmas. 12/26/2007 - By John Rutledge
Cybercolumn by Berry D. Simpson: A gift
Posted: 12/21/07
By Berry Simpson
The story we were discussing was about Zechariah and Elizabeth, a Jewish couple who lived in the first century. Luke politely described them as “well along in years.” The Bible also says they were childless.
One day, Zechariah was selected from a list of 20,000 priests to offer incense in the holy of holies, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. It was such serious work they tied a rope around a priest’s ankle so his body could be pulled back out if God struck him dead. (So much for job security!)
Berry D. Simpson According to the story, Zechariah saw an angel beside the altar while he was worshipping, and he was paralyzed by fear. The sudden appearance of anyone in the holy of holies would have been a shock, even more so the appearance of an angel. Who knew if seeing an angel were the first step toward being drug out by that rope?
The angel, no less than Gabriel himself, told Zechariah his prayers had been answered–he and Elizabeth would have a son named John who would lead the way for the Messiah.
12/21/2007 - By John Rutledge
Agency gives party for foster families who give year-round
Posted: 12/21/07
Agency gives party for foster
families who give year-roundBy Haley Smith
Baptist Child & Family Services
SAN ANTONIO—Baptist Child & Family Service threw a Christmas party to honor foster families who display the Christmas spirit of giving all year long.
After experiencing pregnancy complications, doctors advised Ernest and Margaret Casillas not to keep trying to have children, although they wanted a bigger family.
San Antonio-area foster children and parents celebrate at the Baptist Child & Family Services Christmas party with face painting, raffles and Mexican food. (BCFS photo by Martin Olivares) 12/21/2007 - By John Rutledge