Unity emphazised at Texas Baptist Hispanic Fellowship rally

Posted: 11/17/06

Unity emphazised at Texas
Baptist Hispanic Fellowship rally

By Craig Bird

Baptist Child & Family Services

DALLAS—There is one reason to think Christians can successfully obey Jesus’ command to “be brought to complete unity,” Robert Rodriguez reminded the annual Texas Baptist Hispanic Fellowship rally at Cockrell Hill Baptist Church in Dallas.

“Unity doesn’t begin with us, and it is not the result of external efforts,” said Rodriguez, pastor of Primera Iglesia Bautista in Harlingen.

Those attending the Hispanic Fellowship meeting worship at Cockrell Hill Baptist Church in Dallas.

“It is only the spirit of God dwelling in us that makes unity possible. And the spirit of God dwells inside us only because Jesus is praying for us constantly.”

Rodriguez, who later was elected second vice president of the Baptist General Convention of Texas, preached from John 17, stressing that Christ’s prayer was not a one-time expression on behalf of his disciples at that time, but an ongoing commitment Jesus made to all his followers throughout time.

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“Who am I, and who are you,” he asked, “that the Son of God is concerned about us enough to pray for our protection and that we be faithful witnesses? The reason is simple—we are his creation.

“People don’t get excited about their faith anymore, but how awesome is it that Almighty God is praying for us by name? We serve an active God. Jesus isn’t just sitting around waiting for time to end. No, my friend, he’s praying for his church.”

The unity Jesus yearns for in the church results directly in evangelism, he added.

“Jesus also prayed that we would be faithful witnesses. The only way people can be saved is if the message is preached. We must open our mouths and preach the gospel, and the world will listen if they see that we love one another, if we have unity of heart and purpose,” Rodriguez said.

“God has deposited his glory in us, and that’s powerful, and when that glory grows in us—when we walk differently and when we talk differently—it has an impact on those around us,” he explained.

Rodriguez also pointed out that Jesus not only prays for people as they live out faith day to day, but also that “he is praying so you and I can get to heaven.”

No doubt heaven is a beautiful place, “but not because of golden streets or pearly gates,” he said. “It’s beautiful because the church of God is there—all of us as brothers and sisters.”

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