2006 Archives
Despite disabilities, Dyer feels called to pro fishing circuit
Posted: 3/17/06
Professional fisherman Clay Dyer learned determination at an early age—a lesson he often shares when he speaks to church groups. (Photos by George Henson) Despite disabilities, Dyer
feels called to pro fishing circuitBy George Henson
Staff Writer
ROCKWALL—Clay Dyer believes without a doubt God called him to become a professional fisherman—and not just the “fisher of men” variety.
03/29/2006 - By John Rutledge
Passage to India: Faith of native missionaries impresses Texas pastors
Posted: 3/01/06 (Updated 3/24/06)
Slum residents in North India gather to hear a gospel message from visiting ministers from Texas and Oklahoma. The group toured India observing the ministry of Gospel for Asia, a Carrollton-based missions support group. (Photos by John Rutledge and John Fornof) Passage to India: Faith of native
missionaries impresses Texas pastorsBy John Rutledge
Webmaster, baptiststandard.com
A group of Baptist ministers from Texas travelled to India last month at the invitation of Carrollton-based Gospel for Asia, and what they found could be summed up in the face of a girl named Biva.
03/24/2006 - By John Rutledge
Cybercolumn by Brett Younger: The joy of socks
Posted: 3/24/06
The joy of socks
By Brett Younger
Most biblical scholars neglect to point out how prominent footwear is in Scripture. In Ezekiel 16:10, the prophet predicts $200 tennis shoes, “I clothed thee also with broidered work, and shod thee with badgers’ skin, and girded thee about with fine linen, and I covered thee with silk.”
The name of Jacob, one of Israel’s patriarchs, means “one who grabs the heel”—which could be paraphrased “one who grabs the sock.”
Brett Younger 03/24/2006 - By John Rutledge