2006 Archives
Texas Baptist Forum
Posted: 4/28/06
Texas Baptist Forum
Pride in possessions
I was a college sophomore when I bought my first car. It was a black 12-year-old ’41 Ford. Jones Chevrolet in Center stored it for me eight months while I made the down payment on it. It cost me $495, and I couldn’t wait to drive it home.
• Jump to online-only letters below Letters are welcomed. Send them to marvknox@baptiststandard.com; 250 words maximum.
“When my soul was troubled, it was Billy I reached out to for advice, for comfort and for prayer. You could say Bill has been the conscience of our nation and sometimes of the world.”George H.W. Bush
Former U.S. president, speaking in College Station as he awarded the George Bush Award for Excellence in Public Service to evangelist Billy Graham (Houston Chronicle/RNS)“Academics often think of conservative Christians as rubes and dupes. The reality is that the real movers and shakers behind the evangelical movement are highly educated, thoughtful people with entrepreneurial skills, wealth and extraordinary management savvy.”
Robert Wuthnow
Professor of social sciences at Princeton University, commenting on a comprehensive study by Michael Lindsay, a sociology doctoral student (Princeton Weekly Bulletin/RNS)“What many people find disagreeable about the political use of evil is that it’s rooted in self-righteousness on the part of the speaker. It’s saying we’re entirely different from our enemies without any attempt to understand them.”
Robert Gahl
Professor of ethics and morality at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome (RNS)I painted the dash tomato red and put a wheel cover and steering knob on it before driving it to East Texas Baptist College to show it off. Parking it every day in front of the dining hall assured me that everyone saw it. I was proud of that car!
04/28/2006 - By John Rutledge
Offering changes lives in Thailand
Posted: 4/28/06
Rick Burnette, (right) CBF Global Missions field personnel, has been using funds from the 2005 Carter Offering to get residency status for hilltribe immigrants in villages in northern Thailand. Offering changes lives in Thailand
By Alison Wingfield
Cooperative Baptist Fellowship
ATLANTA—The cost of a typical week’s grocery bill in the United States was all it took to change a life.
04/28/2006 - By John Rutledge
Public prayer in Jesusâ name debated
Posted: 4/28/06
Evangelist Franklin Graham gives the invocation at the 2001 inauguration of President Bush. His Christian prayer on that occasion sparked controversy.
(RNS file photo/Courtesy of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association)Public prayer in Jesus’ name debated
By Adelle Banks
Religion News Service
WASHINGTON (RNS)—Re-tired Army Chaplain David Peterson models how he thinks sensitive Christians should pray in public.
04/28/2006 - By John Rutledge
Texas Tidbits
Posted: 4/28/06
Texas Tidbits
O’Brien appointed provost and executive VP at Baylor. Baylor University’s interim Provost Randall O’Brien has been appointed executive vice president and provost. He had served as interim vice president for academic affairs and provost since last June. O’Brien joined the Baylor religion faculty in 1991 and has been a religion department chair and acting dean of Truett Theological Seminary. He earned degrees from Mississippi College, Yale Divinity School and New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. He is an ordained Baptist minister and has been pastor of three churches and interim pastor at more than a dozen congregations, including Columbus Avenue Baptist Church in Waco, where he currently serves. O’Brien and his wife, Kay, an adjunct professor in Baylor’s School of Social Work, have three children—Elise, Shannon and Christopher.
TBM helps West Texas ranchers. Texas Baptist Men volunteers are meeting a ton of needs in West Texas—three tons, in fact. Texas Baptist Men volunteer John LaNoue hauled 6,000 pounds of donated cattle feed to Pampa, where it will be distributed to ranchers who lost much of their grass to recent wildfires. Members of First Baptist Church in Pampa helped unload the cattle feed and will distribute it. LaNoue, who delivered the feed on his way to preach at a revival at First Baptist Church in Wheeler, said the trip was perfectly timed by God. He was able to bring supplies to people who need and enable Baptists in Pampa to share the gospel by distributing those supplies.
04/28/2006 - By John Rutledge
TOGETHER: Faithful servants, doing Godâs work
Posted: 4/28/06
Faithful servants, doing God’s work
Last week, I spent time with ministers of education and administration at their annual retreat in Salado. These men and women carry crucial staff assignments, serving at the nerve center of our churches. Generally, they take off the pastor’s shoulders many of the organizational and educational details that otherwise would consume much time and energy.
I consider them gifted and godly friends and colleagues in ministry who play an often-unnoticed and sometimes-under-appreciated role. They have a special calling, and they need the faithful prayers of their congregations.
Executive Director
BGCT Executive Board
Their assignment—to provide lay-led Bible study—helps the church do all its work more than any other ministry or organization I know.
04/28/2006 - By John Rutledge