2006 Archives
Homegrown churches make gospel readily accessible
Posted: 4/28/06
Jose Acosta leads worship at a church that meets in the shade of a tree at a San Antonio mobile home park. Homegrown churches make
gospel readily accessible
By John Hall
Texas Baptist Communications
SAN ANTONIO—Steeple-crested church buildings dot San Antonio’s west side, but Pastor Manuel Rodriguez isn’t concerned about them. He’s focused on structures that aren’t adorned with crosses.
05/02/2006 - By John Rutledge
CHURCH WITHOUT WALLS: Authentic worship outside
Posted: 4/28/06
A volunteer teaches biblical principles to a child by using a puppet during a church service held outdoors at a San Antonio mobile home park. (Photo by John Hall) CHURCH WITHOUT WALLS:
Authentic worship outside
By George Henson
Staff Writer
AMARILLO—Sometimes church-starting dreams bog down in the details of where the church can meet and how to pay for that space.
05/02/2006 - By John Rutledge
Proclamation for Immigration Reform
Posted: 4/17/06
Proclamation for Immigration Reform
Hispanic Baptist Youth and Singles
Congreso Solemn Assembly, April 15, 2006
Whereas, our beloved United States of America, a nation of immigrants, is in the midst of the most dramatic immigration policy reform in the 21st century,
And whereas, 12 million undocumented immigrants are living and working in the United States today with 1.2 million undocumented immigrants living in Texas, And whereas, President George Bush has recommended that Congress considers comprehensive reform of U.S. Immigration Law,
And whereas, the Hispanic Baptist Convention of Texas and the Baptist General Convention of Texas passed resolutions in 2003 affirming Jesus’ concern for ministry to the “alien” and “stranger” in the land and encouraged “proactive involvement of ministry activity among immigrants, documented and undocumented, through prayer and action,”
See Related Articles:
• Hispanic Baptist youth challenged to get into Jesus
• Hispanic Texas Baptist Congreso calls for immigration reform
04/28/2006 - By John Rutledge