2006 Archives
Baptist foster care continues in troubled Sri Lanka
Posted: 5/12/06
This mural on the side of a building that was breached by the tsunami seems to speak of the confused lostness of Sri Lanka's children after the trauma of the disaster. (BCFC photo by Craig Bird) Baptist foster care continues in troubled Sri Lanka
By Craig Bird
Baptist Child & Family Services
BATTICALOA, Sri Lanka—As the threat of full-fledged civil war grows in Sri Lanka, a Texas Baptist agency cares for a growing number of orphans on the boundary of the fraying ceasefire line.
05/11/2006 - By John Rutledge
Feeding the hungry disarms terrorists, author insists
Posted: 5/12/06
Tony Hall, former United States congressman and United Nations ambassador, visits children in Africa. Hall has traveled to 120 nations to learn about hunger and poverty. Feeding the hungry disarms
terrorists, author insistsBy Ken Camp
Managing Editor
Humanitarian aid is the most potent weapon the United States can deploy against terrorism, veteran congressman Tony Hall believes.
05/11/2006 - By John Rutledge
Book Reviews
Posted: 5/12/06
Book Reviews
Finding Our Way Home: Turning Back to What Matters Most by Mark R. McMinn (Josey-Bass)
Finding Our Way Home is inspirational and thought-provoking. From a very personal perspective, McMinn discusses our God-created desire for both adventure and “home”—that secure place in which we are fully known and loved.
These two forces are evident in our human relationships and in our relationship with God.
05/11/2006 - By John Rutledge
Baptist Briefs
Posted: 5/12/06
Baptist Briefs
Alliance pledges to confront racism. At its annual convocation in Birmingham, Ala., the Alliance of Baptists pledged to remake itself into “an anti-racist organization.” While the three-day meeting focused primarily on confronting racism and working toward reconciliation, the estimated 500 participants also agreed to consider a boycott of oil giant Exxon-Mobil, saying the high price of oil and gas deepens worldwide poverty, and dependence on fossil fuels threatens creation. A resolution called on the company to invest significantly in cheaper and less hazardous energy sources. During the annual business session, members were told the Alliance surpassed its goal for the annual missions offering last year. But for the second year in a row, it finished the year with a deficit, which was paid out of reserves. The organization already has a $16,000 deficit for 2006, against an annual operating budget of $374,000. Members elected Jim Hopkins, pastor of Lakeshore Avenue Baptist Church in Oakland, Calif., as Alliance president for the coming year. Kristy Arnesen Pullen, a laywoman from Reston, Va., was elected vice president. Amy Jacks Dean, co-pastor of Park Road Baptist Church in Charlotte, N.C., was elected secretary.
CBF plans conference for chaplains & counselors. The Cooperative Baptist Fellowship will sponsor a conference for chaplains and pastoral counselors June 21 at the Omni Hotel at CNN Center in Atlanta. The event, featuring Central Baptist Theological Seminary President Molly Marshall, is scheduled prior to the CBF General Assembly June 22-23 at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta. A luncheon for chaplains and pastoral counselors on June 23 at the Omni Hotel will feature a presentation on contemplative prayer by Loyd Allen, professor of church history and spiritual formation at Mercer University’s McAfee School of Theology. Both events require advance registration. To register, contact Jen Van Camp at (770) 220-1645, jvancamp@thefellowship.info or George Pickle at (770) 220-1617, gpickle@thefellowship.info.
05/11/2006 - By John Rutledge