2006 Archives
Herschel Hobbs on church governance
Posted: 5/12/06
Herschel Hobbs on church governance
What would Herschel Hobbs say about elders? Who should have decision-making authority in a church?
See Related Articles:
• Who has authority to make decisions for a church?
• Elders–common title, different definitions
• Herschel Hobbs on church governance
Hobbs—the pastor-theologian who chaired the 1963 revision of the Southern Baptist Convention’s statement of faith—wrote 35 years ago in a church training book on the Baptist Faith & Message: “The officers in a local New Testament church are pastors and deacons. … The same office is variously called bishop, elder or pastor. … ‘Elder’ translates the Greek word which connotes age. Among the Jews, it was used of one who because of age possessed dignity and wisdom. But in the Christian sense, it was used of those who presided over assemblies of the church.”
Citing Acts 20:28, Hobbs concluded elder, pastor and bishop are interchangeable terms, saying, “‘Elder’ in the Christian sense always refers to the same office of bishop or pastor.”
05/12/2006 - By John Rutledge
Texas Baptist Forum
Posted: 5/12/06
Texas Baptist Forum
Faith & immigration
According to the article about Jesus demanding justice for immigrants (April 17), Albert Reyes says that I am “myopic, self-serving and legalistic.”
• Jump to online-only letters below Letters are welcomed. Send them to marvknox@baptiststandard.com; 250 words maximum. “Dan Brown has given the church a gift. More people in the world will be talking about Jesus on May 19 than ever before.”
John Tanner
Pastor of Cove United Methodist Church near Huntsville, Ala., commenting on Dan Brown, best-selling author of The Da Vinci Code, which will premiere as a movie May 19. (RNS)“The rain falls on the just and the unjust, and it often seems to fall more on the just because the unjust have stolen the umbrellas!”
Jeanie Miley
Author and lecturer, writing in the Baptist Standard’s weekly cybercolumn“Without freedom there is no true faith, for faith coerced is no faith at all—only tyranny.”
Jon Meacham
Managing editor of Newsweek magazine, speaking at the inauguration of John Lilley as president of Baylor University“I’m not going to sit here and listen to a shirt-and-tie preacher. But I might listen to a guy in spandex, because he’s like me.”
Timothy “T- Money” Blackmon
Founder of Wrestling for Jesus, a wrestling-themed evangelical Christian group based in Beech Island, S.C. (Associated Press/RNS)I feel our brother makes several mistakes. First, the question is not about immigrants. It is, however, about those who come into our country without permission. They are correctly called illegal immigrants. I have traveled to or lived in 21 foreign countries. Every time I have visited another country, I have entered with the permission of that country.
05/12/2006 - By John Rutledge